Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 9 and 10

We had so much fun with the boys of GCC Nakuru! When we arrived they were waiting for us in the church. We walked in to a huge welcoming... clapping, cheering and whooping. The boys then put on a show for us. Singing, dancing and even a skit. The skit brought tears to our eyes. It was about some boys being caught up in the world, one died the other found God. The boys who put it on were younger ones. They did an amazing job.

When the boys were done Robyn talked to them about putting their faith into action. That it was dead with out works. The boys all made a stand to put their faith into action.

We then spend the afternoon teaching the boys new games. Vicki put together a great "Olympics" for them. We teamed them up and off they went. The played games they had never hear about before. There is nothing better for a large group of boy
s then to compete. The winner received medals and gift donated by the Seattle Sounders.

While the bo
ys were playing, Pastor Anthony took Lisa and Robyn aside and shared the great need for mattresses for the younger boys. Lisa came home and raised the money with in a week. What a blessing!!

Back at our hotel, a few ended the night playing cards. While they were playing it started to rain. Rain is a blessing in Kenya and we were so amazed at how hard and how fast it came down. The sound was like music!!
Day 10

We celebrated another Sunday with our brothers and sisters in Kenya. This time church was 3 1/2 hours long. It was so much fun!! Many danced, sang and even played African Drums. The night before Pastor Anthony told Robyn she was preaching and Elizabeth she was teaching Sunday School. A suprise but both did great.

We didnt have much time after church to spend with the boys since we had to get on the road back to Nairobi. We gave each of the pastors and house mum's their gifts and then blessed Simon. (in the red tie) Simon grew up in GCC and now works there with the boys. His life is a great example to the other boys. We found out he is engaged!! But he needed the money for the dowry. So we were blessed to be able to give him half of what he needed. We have since heard the news the wedding is in December!!

We left at about 3pm and headed back to Nairobi. Once again the van broke down but Pastor Joseph was able to fix it agian on the side of the road. We made it back in time for Pizza again with David Hatley. Our spirits were soring!!

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