Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 13 , 14 and 15

Day 13

An early morning Safari started our day off. We saw many animals and a beautiful Sunrise. Then in the afternoon we all walked to a Masai Village close by. This was a great adventure. We had 5 Masai men walk with us, showing us all the things they know about the land. We visited their village and they took us into their homes. A few of them were showing us how they start a fire with a knife, piece of wood and a twig. When it would not start, Elizabeth pulled some matches out of her bag and handed it to them. Everyone was laughing! With Vicki's help though they go it going finally. The flies were so bad there. They were everywhere. All over us and those who lived there. The kids had them crawling all over them. It was hard to handle. They ended their tour with an area they had set up to sell tourist more goods they had made. Just what we needed... more shopping.

When we got back we hit the pool and one more safari. In the evening many of us stayed up for the Hyena feeding. They put out all the left over food at 10pm and a large group of Hyena's come to feed. It was amazing.

Day 14

We left mid-morning to head back to Nairobi. We were able to see some animals on our way to our flight. When we got back we spend the evening packing up all our goods and then off to bed for a good nights sleep.

Day 15

It was time to say good by to those in Langata. We loved on the kids and then handed out gifts to all the house mums. It was so hard to say good bye to those we all had come to love. We had lunch with David and Jennifer, their girls and Kamu at Java House then it was off to the airport.

Our journey home was long, over 48 hours. We are home now but Kenya is still where many of us have left our hearts.

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