Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 5 and 6

Day 5

We started the day with a nice walk from the guest house to GCC Langata. It only takes about 10 minutes and was a nice change to driving everywhere. Once there we had a fun day with the younger kids. We painted finger nails, put on temporary tattoos, and played Duck Duck Goose and Red Rover. We were joined this day by Stephen Ismael. He was in South Africa to help with outreach during the World Cup and then came up to Kenya before heading home. Stephen was with our team the rest of the time we were in Kenya. In the afternoon we took 12 of the younger kids to The Giraffe Park. David and Jennifer Hately were able to spend the afternoon with us there too. What a fun place. We were giving pellets to feed the giraffes. Many of the kids put the pellets in their mouths for the giraffe to take out. Made for some great photos and really funny faces. Then we let them all get their faces painted. We didn't want to miss out on the fun so we all got our faces painted too. We were all just one of the kids.

Day 6

Kibera, Africa's largest slums is found right in the heart of Nairobi. After the elections two years ago the violence was great here. One pilot was quoted as saying "Kibera is on fire". Many lost their homes, lively hood and loved ones. This is where we spend the morning on this day. Once again David and Jennifer joined our team as we went in to visit CMIA's pre-primary school and feeding station. We were greeted by the kids holding signs welcoming us. We started by helping out with feeding the kids as they came. This day we fed 1257 children. Once we had the kids fed we went into the one room school/church and the kids sang to us and recited poems. The pastor of the church told us how it was in Kibera after the elections and their fear of it happening again in August after the vote for the new constitution. (the vote ended peacefully praise the Lord!) He also shared with us because many of the young kids had no where to go after school was out, they would come into the church and sleep on the dirt floor. After hearing this our team gave the money to by 10 mattresses for these kids to sleep on!!

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