Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 3 and 4

Day 3

We started the day off right by going to Church on the Rock Makindu with the girls. What a blessing the Kenyan church is. The worship is amazing and full of singing and dancing. The sermon was on forgiveness. Church was about three hours long but you would have never known it. It was a treat for all of us. After lunch we then went back to GCC Makindu and had a great time with the girls. We did letter writing to their sponsors and photos of each of the girls. Then we worked with each of the girls to do collage of how they see their life. It was a great hit. The girls had a great time with the team. Many of the team members were seen praying with the girls and just loving on them. At the end of the day we gave out gifts to the house mum's and dads. It was a treat to bless them for all they do. It was hard for everyone on the team to say goodbye to the girls that night. When we got back to Hunter's Lodge we were all ready for dinner and bed.

Day 4

We made our first stop of the day back to the hospital where we paid Jackson's bill for him. Our hearts were so moved again that we gave another donation to help pay for more gloves for the hospital.

We then headed to the Kisingo Pre-Primary school. We had a blast with these kids. (about 40 of them) First we watched as they sang us some songs and quoted a poem. The poem was amazing but so sad as it reflected the sadness that was left behind after the violence from the elections two years ago. Then we sang two songs for them. They all sang along with us... we all had to laugh. Then we took each child's photo and printing them out on a portable printer we brought with us. Then each child made a frame for their photos. At the bottom of each frame was a verse. The kids had a great time with us and had something to remember our visit by.

We then headed to Makindu Pre-Primary school. Here we also watched as the kids sang for us and quoted more poems. (about 60 Kids) We handed out stickers and gifts for each child.

At noon we walked across from the school and helped out at the feeding station. Here many children come from all over for a cup of porridge. It is a very eye opening experience.

After finishing at the feeding station we all piled back in our van and started the three hour drive home. On our way we were pulled over and our driver had to pay a police officer for something that was not real. The officer even had him pull the van up the road so we could not see what he was doing. Then about half way there our van broke down. Thank God our driver know what he was doing and was able to fix it right there on the side of the road. We made it back in time for a Pizza dinner with David and Jennifer Hatley and their girls.

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