Thursday, August 12, 2010

Da 11 and 12

Day 11

With all our work finished it was time for some R & R. We started the day by sleeping in. Oh, that was so nice. Then we were off to down town Nairobi. We had a great time shopping and bargaining. We left with our hand full of bags. Then we had lunch at Carnivores. You really have to like meat to eat there. We had everything from Lamb, Beef, Ribs, Ostrage meat balls and Oxen testicles. (yes, some of us tried them!!) After we were so stuffed we could hardly move we headed over to Kuzuri Beads. These are hand made beads by single moms in Kenya. Many high end stores in America and Europe sale these at high price tags. We all had many gifts and treats to bring home with us by the end of the day.

Day 12

Then it was off to Safari. We woke up early ready to catch our flight out. Kamu joined us for breakfast and gave us our quote for the trip... "If you are already late.. why rush?" This is SO true in Kenya. We made our flight and were off to Sopa in the Masai Mara. It was a beautiful lodge and the animals were amazing. It didn't take long for all of us to be out by the pool.

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