Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 1 and 2

Our flight to Kenya was not as bad as we all thought it would be. We slept most of the trip over. When we got to Wash. DC we got a little surprise at the Ethiopian Airlines check in... they wanted to charge each of us $150 because our carry on bags were over 15 pounds. Many people were hit with this charge. With the team praying I talked to a supervisor and she finally said they would only charge us for one bag instead of all 6. Praise the Lord.

We arrived in Kenya around Noon. After checking in to the guest house we were off to GCC Langata to meet some of the children and a tour from David and Jennifer Hatley. It was so much fun seeing the kids. They were all excited too see us. We were surrounded the whole time. We ended the day at GCC Langata watching the Flag Lowering by the Kenya Scouts at the school.

Day 2

Today we headed to Makindu. Makindu is the half way point between Nairobi and Mombasa. It is about a 3 hour drive. Along the way we saw a group of giraffes on the side of the road. What a site to see!! Makindu is the home of GCC's Girl home. We arrived about noon and had some time to relax in the beautiful Oasis Hunters Lodge. (Our lunch took over an hour to be served...we were defiantly on African time.)

When we got to the girls home we where greeted with open arms. We didn't stay long though. We packed up all the girls (18 of them) and took the girls to the Makindu Hosp
ital. We wanted to teach the girls what it means to put your faith into action. 5 of the girls were to young to come in so they stayed with the cars and prayed. The rest teamed up with someone from our team. We started in the children ward. Here we paid the bills off for 13 children. There was everything from snake bites, burns, broken bones and even a boy with a tumor in his chest. We prayed with each of the children and their parent. The girls did a great job!

Next we went into women ward. We met and prayed with many of them women and were able to pay the bills for 7 of them. The next ward was the men ward. We only met with the two men who's bill we paid. This is where we met Jackson, a young 16yr old
by who was raising his 12 yr old brother. He is very sick and needed to get to Nairobi hospital to recieve treatment. He was so worried about his brother and had no idea how he would pay his bill in Makindu let alone afford to go to Nairobi Hospital. The tears in his eyes when we told him we would take care of his bill brought many of us to tears too. After we left the doctor's arranged with the Nairobi Hospital to get Jackson healthy again!! Please pray for Jackson healing. We are not sure what is wrong, only that is has to do with his heart.

We ended our vi
sit by giving the hospital supplies sent from Overlake Hospital in Bellevue WA. Then we went back in to each ward and each team member got the honor of telling each of the ones God lead us to that we were paying their bills. It was such a joy to see their faces light up. Many praising God for his provision. We were so humbled to be a part of it all.

We dropped the girls off back at GCC and then went back to Hunter's Lodge for a good nights rest. As we were finishing up the day with our devotions we heart what sounded like gun shots. They were very loud and sounded close by. We found out the next morning that it was gun shots... the rangers were trying to scare of some elephants there were coming to close to the town!!

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