Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 7 and 8

Day 7

Once again we started our day in the slums of Kenya. This time in Ruben. Unlike Kibera we went into the heart of Ruben. What we say was heart breaking. Garbage every where. The smell was over whelming and everyone was just wandering around. In the heart of Ruben is one of CMIA's biggest success story. What started as an other pre-primary school, now stands a school that goes up to 8th grade!! This is very important since you need schooling to really get anywhere in Kenya. There is even a vocational school on sight that teaches the skill of seamstress. When we arrived we were greeted by a large group of school children. Once again we were sung to and poems recited. This time though the pulled Robyn and Stephen up to join in the dancing and singing. What a treat. Once the kids were done with their program they asked us to "take the program over" Robyn got up at this point and talked to the children about putting their faith into action. That it was up to them to make a difference in Ruben and even Kenya. Then Vicki and Elizabeth lead them all in the Hokey Pokey and Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes. We got the change to visit each of the class rooms. The kids asked very good questions like do we have people in America that live below poverty level, do we have war and how do we make gardens to grow our food. As we were leaving we passed the Ruben feeding station and all the kids lined up for food. While driving out of the slums we were able to through candy out to the children we say along the way. Even a little blessing like a sweet brought such great joy in this place.

When we got back to GCC Langata we did some projects with the kids there. The older kids made baseball hats and all the kids wrote letters to their sponsors. Many of us just sat and held the kids. It felt good to know these few children were spared the sadness that so many others were living each day in Kenya.

Day 8

This day was a day of travel for us. We slept in some and then took off for Nakuru. Our newest member of the team Onea from Texas joined us on this adventure. We were now a team of 8. The drive was just under 3 hours. We made a few stops on the way. One was to look out over the Rift Valley and Menengai Volcano. When we arrived in Nakuru we checked into our rooms and then headed out to the country area just outside of Nakuru to GCC's new home for the boys. We walked the grounds and saw what has been built so far. The hope is to have the younger boys moved out of the city into this new home by December. It is a wonderful new home for them with so many opportunities. The boys will be safer and be able to learn farming. Please pray the rest of the funding comes in so the boys can move in on time.

When we got back we were able to rest some before dinner. Out side of some of our windows we were able to see life living in Nakuru. The home in this photo is a duplex. Two families lived in each home. Each day the women were out doing laundry. Dogs, chickens and even a cow wondered through out the homes. It was very fascinating to sit and just watch day to day life for these people. The people living in these homes would be considered the fortunate ones in Nakuru.

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