Thursday, July 15, 2010


Thursday July 15 - Hello! The Kenya Team 2010 is underway! They left late last night from SeaTac airport and Robyn called me at 6 am PST to let me know they'd landed in DC. Who am I, you ask? My name is Tara, and I will be updating the blog while Robyn and the team are in Africa. I was on the Kenya 2009 team, and will never, ever forget my experiences there. If you ever have a chance to journey to Africa, especially Kenya, let me encourage you to take it. I've always wanted to go to Africa, and this trip changed my entire life in amazing ways! God had other plans for me this year, or I'd be on my way to Kenya again with the team. As it was, I tried to stuff myself into one of their duffle bags, but my legs stuck out. I've heard the cargo hold gets pretty frigid, anyway. So, no sneaking into luggage this year for me! However, I am absolutely confident I will go again in a future year!

Robyn shared this morning that the team is pretty tired, as no one was able to sleep on the flight from SeaTac to DC. In addition, when they were checking in to Ethiopia Airlines, they were told their carry on luggage was over the weight limit (which no one previously knew about) and that they had to check all their carry on luggage...on top of which, Ethiopia Air wanted to charge them extra to do this. So they are already encountering challenges, but as they're heading straight into enemy territory we've been expecting the challenges. Please keep them fervently in your prayers, for the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous Believer availeth much!

Standing with you in prayer,

1. Look at all that luggage! Our luggage 2009 upon arrival in Kenya / 2. Children of the they love visitors!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Tara for blogging for the team! This is Elizabeth's mom and I am so excited for her to be a part of this journey. My prayers are being lifted for each person in the group!
