Saturday, July 31, 2010


Saturday, July 31 - PRAYER NEEDED! Robyn called me early this afternoon to let me know that their flight had been delayed due to an air conditioning issue on the airplane.

This is a real test for our team, as they've already been travelling for 30 hours and are quite exhausted. Pray for supernatural endurance and for them to live out their faith in Christ even during this time. Ethiopia Airlines lost Robyn's bag between Ethiopia and Washington DC, but all other bags made it. Pray that her bag would be found and its contents undamaged. Pray that all bags, including Robyn's, would arrive safely and undamaged at SeaTac.

She called again a few hours later to let me know that they were still waiting to board the plane, and that the airline was going to put them up in a hotel once they landed in San Francisco early in the morning, for a few hours. Hopefully they'll be able to get a few hours' sleep in a bed, as they've been sitting up for over 30 hours. They'll be leaving at 6:10 am from San Francisco and should arrive at SeaTac somewhere between 8 and 8:30 AM.

Lord, You are sovereign and in control of all things. You have allowed the plane's delay and we praise You for what You are doing even during this time! We don't know the reason behind the delay; we don't know why the air conditioning system stopped working. But You have a reason for it and we thank You that You are in complete control! Jesus, we boldly and humbly come before Your throne of grace and ask for Your supernatural endurance to flood the bodies of our team members. Give them the strength they need for this last leg of the journey home, we pray. We know this aligns with Your will because Your Word promises You give us strength enough for each day.

Father, we pray that the new plane they board will have no issues and everything will be working precisely as it should. We pray for Your continued protection and provision for our team. We pray that though they are tired, that they will continue to be Your witnesses, even witnessing to the people they encounter in the airport. We pray for Divine appointments, Lord, and that our team members would recognize and take advantage of those appointments. May people be won for Your Kingdom, Lord, even now. Let no opportunity pass by unnoticed and un-acted upon!

Lord God, we pray that You will bring Robyn's bag to light, and cause it to arrive at SeaTac at the same time as the rest of the luggage and the team. Father, we pray the goodies and treasures our team members purchased in Africa will survive the multiple flights, and that every single treasure will be undamaged and intact. Jesus, we know You know exactly where Robyn's bag is and so we cover her luggage and the rest of the luggage in the Name of Jesus and boldly ask that You bring it to light, in Your Name.

Jesus, thank You for hearing our prayers. Thank You for all You have done for our team, and are continuing to do. Thank You for what You are doing for the precious children in Kenya, in their hearts and lives, as a direct result of the team being there. Thank You that no one is beyond Your notice. You notice even the much more do you notice us!! We love You, Jesus, and we thank You for all Your provision, protection, guidance, counsel, grace, mercy and Your amazing love. Jesus, we love you. Amen.

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