Monday, July 19, 2010

Amazing Weekend with the Girls...

Monday, July 19 - God is moving in Makindu! Thank you all for your steady and faithful prayers on behalf of the CMIA ministry in Africa, as well as our beloved missions team members. Robyn's phone message from Sunday was very difficult to make out, as there was a lot of static on the line. However, I was able to hear that they had an amazing day at church with the girls, as well as an amazing time of bonding after church. Robyn said it was one of the best days she's ever experienced in Makindu. They spent time with the girls, did projects, and had some amazing bonding times with the precious girls at GCC Makindu.

When she called me this morning for today's update, the team was in the van on the way back to Nairobi, almost there. Everyone said hi, which was fun to hear...everyone's voice sounded upbeat, excited, and very happy! Robyn said they spent the morning at the GCC preprimary schools in Makindu and they served at their first feeding station, where there was enough food for every single child to have a meal, and enough left over for some of the children to get seconds - praise the Lord! The team was able to spend some time shopping at the wood carvers' huts across the street from Hunter's Lodge, which will help stimulate the Kenyan economy. Be praying for the wood carvers...they're amazing people and last year I befriended several of them. Pray for their salvation, for God's provision and protection. I know they look forward to our team visiting every year, because historically we tend to buy a lot! :o)

After this morning's final shopping session they piled into the van for the 3-hour trip back to Nairobi (Langata). Robyn said they saw a huge herd of giraffe on the side of the road, and Lisa shared they even did some 4-wheeling on an unfinished section of road! Keep the van drivers in your takes amazing skill to drive safely in Kenya! The drivers are typically pastors or men who are involved with the CMIA ministry, and act as chaperones to the team. Keep them and their families in your prayers; they are integral parts of the CMIA ministry. Pray for their protection and provision, and that the Lord would increase their territory...that He would bless their boundaries and cause them to stretch further and wider than they ever dreamed possible. Pray that He would plant a BIG dream in their hearts, and that they would pursue their dreams for God's Kingdom with tireless enthusiasm! Also pray that the CMIA ministry would be blessed because of their tireless service; that the dream God planted in the Hatleys' hearts would blossom and bloom to even larger territories than the Hatleys ever thought possible. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and that the Hatleys and their ministry team would follow God's leading diligently.

Robyn also shared that they got multiple photos of Mt. Kilimanjaro on the way back. For anyone who knows me, I have a small (read: majorly huge) love affair with Kilimanjaro. Last year we didn't get to see it once, as there was always a cloud cover when we would've been positioned to see it. However, this year it sounds like there were clear blue skies, and the team blessed me tremendously by taking photos so I could travel to Africa vicariously through their experiences. Thank you, everyone - you bless me by your love for me!

Back to the blog...When the team arrives back at the GCC Langata grounds they will be spending the rest of the afternoon with the kids there, both boys and girls. Pray for amazing times of ministry and divine appointments, pray that the team would be Jesus' hands and feet to the kids. Pray for the kids, that they would feel Jesus' love for THEM individually through the team members. Pray also for the amazing house mums and house dads who act as parents to these precious children...pray that they would be refreshed, and that the Lord would greatly encourage them in their ministries and give them the strength and love they need to be mum or dad to the many children in their care. Tonight, the team will be having pizza with David and Jennifer Hatley, which will be a welcome treat - a little taste of home!

Tomorrow the team will be spending the day in Langata with the children again. Pray for their energy levels, that they would all get plenty of good quality sleep tonight so they can lavish these amazing kids with love. Pray their hearts would be blessed as they give so freely of themselves to these kids, who are so eager to love and be loved! Pray especially for the AIDS children, that God would speak to their hearts of their preciousness to Him! Pray that they would each have amazing ministries of their own as they reach out to their friends and even their countrymen, for no one is too young to have an amazing impact for the Kingdom of God.

And now, dear friends, please pray especially for Robyn, as she is called to be the leader of this team. Pray that God would speak clearly to her during this time, that she would follow His voice unswervingly and uncompromisingly. Pray for a Spirit of Wisdom to descend on her, and that God would lift her up during her quiet times with Him. Pray for wisdom, for guidance, for protection, and that God would abundantly lavish her with favor for her faithfulness to the CMIA children and mission. This is her 5th year serving with CMIA as a team leader, and I know CMIA has been blessed abundantly through her dedicated service. Pray for her daughter, Nasia, her in the States, for safety and protection while her mom is in Kenya. Pray for Nasia's heart to already be filling with a special dream God has planted, that He will show her His vision for her life even now. Pray that she will be set apart to serve Him all the days of her life, and that she will grow in grace and favor as she follows Him and lifts high His Name.

Heavenly Father, You Who know everything, we bring these requests before Your throne of grace humbly and with one voice, and we ask You boldly to do all this and more, according to Your excellent love for us. Jesus, we pray YOUR will be done, Your purposes for this team be accomplished. We will hold them high before Your throne day and night, precious Lord Jesus. In Your Name we pray. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. You are truly inspirational in the prayers that you pen! Thank you.
