Friday, July 23, 2010

Restful Day

Friday, July 23 - Hello, dear and faithful prayer warriors! The refreshing of the Spirit is like a long drink of cool water to a parched throat on a hot day, isn't it? I love this photo to the left...this was taken last year in the office of the GCC Langata compound. One of our team members, Scott, took a long drink out of the huge water bottles we carried around with us, and I snapped it just in time! Through the doorway you can see construction of their new church building. Incidentally, all those rocks are hand-cut using chisels and hammers. We saw them chiseling away at them last year. I think this building is finished now, and I can hardly wait to see it next time I go!

Robyn and I got to speak again this morning. It amazes me how tired, yet how content, her voice sounds over the phone. It's amazing when you're right where you're supposed to be, obeying God's call...that's the sound of her voice, like even though the work they're doing isn't easy emotionally or physically, the joy of the Lord is bringing contentment. Like a long drink of cool water on a hot day.

Robyn said they arrived safely in Nakuru, so thank you all for your prayers for safe travel. They got to see the new property out in the country that I mentioned in a previous post, and she said they were able to see a glimpse of the vision CMIA has for this property and how it will minister to and help train up the young boys and men in their care. She said it is absolutely amazing, and I can hardly wait to see pictures and hear first hand stories of how God is moving in Nakuru. She said today was a very laid back and refreshing day, which was much needed. When we spoke, they were all at Jumuia Guest House and getting ready for a good nights' sleep. Tomorrow they will spend all day with the boys, doing projects, games, and even a service project to help teach the boys about putting their faith into action. The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead. This doesn't mean we do good works to try to earn our way into heaven, but rather that if we say we love Christ, the outward manifestation of that relationship will be the good works we do for Him. That is the goal of this year's mission trip, to help the kids understand and put this into practice.

HalleluJah, everyone who was feeling sick is much, much better. Thank you so much for your prayers for their health - keep petitioning the Lord on their behalf, for continued good health! I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has contacted me with messages for your team member - I will surely pass them along to Robyn when we speak tomorrow morning! I've heard from Lynn, Bobby, Mark and Karen...if someone else has tried to contact me, I haven't received your message so please do try again!

Robyn did specifically ask for prayer for energy for the team tomorrow, as these boys have high-octane energy levels! I am in awe of the pastors and the house dads who care for the Nakuru boys...I don't know how they keep up with them! All of these boys are AMAZING dancers. Last year in church we had several "sessions", as they're called, with different age groups dancing for us. One of the pastors explained that the boys need a physical outlet to express their emotions - remember, many of these boys have come from terrible childhoods that we can't even begin to imagine. Most of them were street boys, some saw their families murdered in front of their eyes, and so many other horrors we don't like to think about in America. By God's grace, many of them are healing and have healed from their emotional wounds under the amazing love and care of the CMIA ministry. Dancing is one part of the healing process for many of them.

A side story...I remember last year we had a "dance off" on Saturday. The boys all got up and danced, and the best dancer from every round was chosen. Then, the young man officiating the dance off said, "And now we're going to get our guests to dance" and then pointed straight at me. ME!! I was like, "um, me? ME?!?" The clutzy girl with two left feet? I was completely embarrassed but I got up there and did every cheezy dance move I could think of. You know, mashing potatoes, the sprinkler, the macarena...just trying to keep up with those kids! Yes, it was humiliating, but in the very best way. The boys all loved it and they thought I was incredibly silly. When you see their pristine white smiles, you want to do anything you can to keep them smiling, even cheezy dance moves :o)

All that to say, that we can pretty much expect the same thing this year...the boys will insist that our team members dance with them, and they'll be dancing all afternoon. Literally. I'm not kidding. So keep the team in your prayers, for high energy levels and good health to be able to enjoy dancing and sports and all sorts of activities with these boys.

Also, the team is nearing the end of the ministry portion of the trip, so please pray for their endurance. This is when the enemy tries to catch us off guard, to elevate physical exhaustion and knock us off our paths. Now more than ever the team needs our prayers. Pray for blessings to pour out on and cover the next two days with the boys, for team refreshing, for good spirits, energy for dancing and ministering to the boys, both Saturday and Sunday. Pray for strong bonds to be formed, and that every single boy there will get some personalized attention...that they would each know how very precious and loved they are, by God's heart extended through the team.

Oh Lord Jesus, we know You love these precious boys and all the CMIA staff so much more than we can ever fathom. Holy Spirit, descend on that place. Heal any remaining wounds, especially of the youngest boys who are newer to the orphanage. Raise up an army of young Spirit-filled men who are passionate to bring Your love to their country. I thank you for the older boys who already have strong burning desires to reach their country with Your good news. I thank you for the young man I met last year who desires to serve as a chaplain in the army so he can tell people in the Kenyan military about You. I thank You, Jesus, that GCC Nakuru is on fire for You...I pray You intensify that fire, call out and set apart these boys for Your special annointing and ministry, dearest Jesus. We pray this in Your Name! Lord Jesus I ask too for my little guys in Nakuru. You know it breaks my heart to not be there with them this year. Bring someone special to them, as I know they'll be looking to see if I step off the van or not. Allow them to bond with this year's team in a special way. In Your Name I pray!

Until tomorrow, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may you hold high the Name of Jesus Christ as you serve Him here in America, and may the blessings and the peace of Christ, and the joy of His strength, wash over you.

With love,

Jumuia Guest House entrance, photo taken from guard shack.

Nakuru boys, younger kids dancing for us!

Older boys dancing for us!

the young man who wants to be a chaplain in the Kenyan army

Dance off...we danced our hearts out, and they STILL danced circles around us!

Raquel and friend dancing SALSA!

Scott preaching the Sunday sermon. He got right down and spoke directly to the kids.

Jeff talking about allowing Christ to mold us, like clay.

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