Thursday, July 22, 2010

Heartbreak in Ruben Slums

Thursday, July 22 - Greetings again in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I got off the phone with Robyn a few minutes ago, and she sounded content but tired. She asked how things were going here, and as I haven't heard otherwise from anyone, I told her we're all good.

Robyn said that they spent the day in Ruben slums and it was absolutely heartbreaking. In Kibura, they were on the outskirts of the slum but in Ruben, they were actually in the heart of the slum. They drove through sewage and piles of garbage everywhere, and a little "river" that smelled terrible running through the area. She wasn't sure if it was even water, but whatever it was, it has no business being anywhere near where humans dwell. She said it broke their hearts to see the conditions these precious people live in every single day.

They went to the GCC school there and the kids, always enthusiastic to perform, got up and did several performances for the team. The team then taught them the Hokey Pokey, Father Abraham and "Head, Shoulder Knees and Toes" songs/dances. She said the younger kids loved those! They also had the opportunity to sit and talk with some of the older kids, and they were amazed by the questions these kids asked. They asked very heartbreaking and deep questions such as "is there poverty in America?", "Is there war in America?", and "How do you grow your garden in America?" etc. The kids wanted to make sense of what they've already experienced in their young lives, and they wanted tips for how to improve their meager gardens and small enterprises. These people are incredibly intelligent and gifted, not to mention very hard working, yet many just do not have the means to improve their lives without some sort of assistance.

The team was in Ruben longer than they had expected to be, but it was as the Spirit led. They did not end up serving at the feeding station there because they ran out of time, but be assured the feeding station still operated, just without the team's help.

Pray for the people of Ruben. Truthfully, today after hearing Robyn's report I'm not even sure what prayer prompts to suggest, but pray as the Spirit leads you. Oh Father, You see the terrible conditions these precious human beings are living in. You see the diseases and the sickness they bear because they don't have sanitary places to live. You see the water supply. Father, increase the ministry of CMIA in Ruben. Give these precious souls hope. Reach down into the midst of their need and meet them right where they are, Jesus. Only You can do this. Prompt our hearts here in America to partner in prayer, in giving, in whatever way You want us to. We are so rich here, Father. Even those of us who are "poor" are so much richer than the richest person living in this slum. Jesus, You came to give life and that abundantly. Reach down and stir up Your life here in Ruben, Jesus. Squash the enemy. Kick him out of the camp. And let Your Spirit descend on Ruben and on these people. We pray in Your precious and holy, amazing Name, Amen.

Robyn shared that Lisa is feeling much better than yesterday, but still fighting off the attack on her system. She was happy she was out of bed and able to go to Ruben with the team, however! Today, Rhonda is not feeling well and was in bed all day. Pray for her speedy and complete recovery. The good news is that no one has been hit by the "bug" that took out half our team last year for several days, but some people's systems are having trouble adjusting to the food. It is quite stressful on the body to uproot from America and be planted in Africa - God has given us amazing bodies that do most of the work "behind the scenes", but let's continue praying that each team member would be given the strength and the health needed to serve faithfully each day. Let's continue to pray for protection for each team member against any sickness or "bug" that would wipe out their systems. Let's pray for good health, for vitality and energy for each team member. And let's cover Rhonda in our prayers, that her strength would return tonight and that she would be 100% better when sunlight dawns over the Kenyan countryside.

After spending time in Ruben, the team went to Langata where they took photos of the kids, then played and did games, crafts, and activities. They left around 6 pm and went back to the cooperative college, where their guesthouse is, and crashed. Robyn and I were speaking about 8:30 pm their time, and she said everyone was more than ready for bed.

Now an update on the new Kenyan Constitution...Robyn shared that voting does not happen until August, but there is a lot of rallying and demonstrations going on. She wants to assure everyone here that the team is not in the least bit afraid for their safety. She said most of the issue being debated revolves around the Muslim court, which is different than the Kenyan government court. Robyn shared there is a large group of Muslims staying at the cooperative college where the team is staying, and they've been woken up every day at 5 am by their call to prayer. She said they all seem friendly but they haven't had much contact with them. Pray for God's light of TRUTH to shine brightly on these lost souls. Christ died for them and wants to see them accept the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Tomorrow the team is traveling to Nakuru to the GCC boys' home. This is roughly a 3-hour drive, so pray for safety on the road. They will visit the new property in the countryside above Nakuru and see the progress that has been built since last year (last year there was only a foundation of hand-hewn rocks). This new property is important for the boys because their current compound within the Nakuru city proper is pretty small for a bunch of growing boys. This new property will get the boys out of the city (where rioting occurred right up to the gates of the compound in 2008) and also give them room to run and play, give them room to grow produce and raise ducks and pigeons, which are all sources of income and teach the boys a trade and responsiblity. I am anxious to see photos of the progress!

Steven Ishmael, who has been with the team in both slums, and Onea from Texas will be riding with the team down to Nakuru. Onea has been working with the Hatleys in the GCC schools, and it sounds like she's been a real blessing to the ministry.

They will visit the boys briefly and then get checked into the Jumuia (Joom-we-ah) Guest House where they will be staying. Saturday they will spend all day with the boys, and go to church with them on Sunday. Oh, how I wish I were there with them! Like Tony Bennet sang, I left my Nakuru! God, please prompt someone to give love to my little Antony and little Benjamin! How I wish I could be there to lavish Your love on them!

Robyn asked specifically that we pray for the team as individuals, that God would show them how to handle the emotions and all they've experienced...while Kenya is an incredibly beautiful country, with amazing people and some of the most beautiful land I have ever seen in my entire life, it is also a devastating country...when you go to Kenya, it is absolutely impossible not to be changed somehow. Your heart is ripped right out of your chest. The hard part is knowing how to handle the change, when you very often don't understand it yourself. The amazing news is that God knows perfectly how to handle the change, and how to help each team member know what to do with what is going on in their hearts right now. Hearts are breaking, hearts are being opened further than ever imagined. When they come home, they will need a lot of support and love, and they will continue to process their experience for many months afterward. Let's start praying for this process even now.

Nasia, your mama wanted me to tell you that she loves you and is thinking about you. I know she is thinking about when you'll get to join her in Kenya in a few years! She wanted to know if you're getting excited about your camping trip coming up in a few weeks!

If anyone wants to get a brief message to your loved ones on the CHCC team, feel free to call me at 206-406-9604. Remember to keep your message brief, as air time is expensive from Kenya and I won't have a lot of time to share messages with Robyn... but I'll be happy to pass your message along to Robyn to pass along to your wife/mother/daughter/sister/aunt :o)

Intercessing with you on behalf of our team in Kenya,

1 comment:

  1. Please tell Elizabeth that her mom and grammy and sisters are following the blog, and prayer for her faithfully!
    Lynn (mom of Elizabeth Rushing)
