Saturday, July 31, 2010


Saturday, July 31 - PRAYER NEEDED! Robyn called me early this afternoon to let me know that their flight had been delayed due to an air conditioning issue on the airplane.

This is a real test for our team, as they've already been travelling for 30 hours and are quite exhausted. Pray for supernatural endurance and for them to live out their faith in Christ even during this time. Ethiopia Airlines lost Robyn's bag between Ethiopia and Washington DC, but all other bags made it. Pray that her bag would be found and its contents undamaged. Pray that all bags, including Robyn's, would arrive safely and undamaged at SeaTac.

She called again a few hours later to let me know that they were still waiting to board the plane, and that the airline was going to put them up in a hotel once they landed in San Francisco early in the morning, for a few hours. Hopefully they'll be able to get a few hours' sleep in a bed, as they've been sitting up for over 30 hours. They'll be leaving at 6:10 am from San Francisco and should arrive at SeaTac somewhere between 8 and 8:30 AM.

Lord, You are sovereign and in control of all things. You have allowed the plane's delay and we praise You for what You are doing even during this time! We don't know the reason behind the delay; we don't know why the air conditioning system stopped working. But You have a reason for it and we thank You that You are in complete control! Jesus, we boldly and humbly come before Your throne of grace and ask for Your supernatural endurance to flood the bodies of our team members. Give them the strength they need for this last leg of the journey home, we pray. We know this aligns with Your will because Your Word promises You give us strength enough for each day.

Father, we pray that the new plane they board will have no issues and everything will be working precisely as it should. We pray for Your continued protection and provision for our team. We pray that though they are tired, that they will continue to be Your witnesses, even witnessing to the people they encounter in the airport. We pray for Divine appointments, Lord, and that our team members would recognize and take advantage of those appointments. May people be won for Your Kingdom, Lord, even now. Let no opportunity pass by unnoticed and un-acted upon!

Lord God, we pray that You will bring Robyn's bag to light, and cause it to arrive at SeaTac at the same time as the rest of the luggage and the team. Father, we pray the goodies and treasures our team members purchased in Africa will survive the multiple flights, and that every single treasure will be undamaged and intact. Jesus, we know You know exactly where Robyn's bag is and so we cover her luggage and the rest of the luggage in the Name of Jesus and boldly ask that You bring it to light, in Your Name.

Jesus, thank You for hearing our prayers. Thank You for all You have done for our team, and are continuing to do. Thank You for what You are doing for the precious children in Kenya, in their hearts and lives, as a direct result of the team being there. Thank You that no one is beyond Your notice. You notice even the much more do you notice us!! We love You, Jesus, and we thank You for all Your provision, protection, guidance, counsel, grace, mercy and Your amazing love. Jesus, we love you. Amen.

Friday, July 30, 2010

And they're off!!

Friday, July 30 - As promised here is the flight information. The team has left Nairobi! Their flight was scheduled to leave at 6:00 PM today, and as of this writing it's 7:30 PM in Kenya, so they're half way to Ethiopia.

They are scheduled to arrive at SeaTac at 8:29 PM Saturday, July 31st, on United flight number 573.

Here is their complete return itinerary for anyone interested:

Friday July 30 - Depart from Nairobi 6 pm, arrive Addis Ababa Ethiopia 8:00 pm
Friday July 30 - Depart from Addis Ababa 10:15 pm, arrive WADC 7:55 AM Saturday 7/31
Saturday July 31 - Depart WADC 2:47 pm, arrive San Francisco 5:28 PM
Saturday July 31 - Depart San Fran 6:24 pm, arrive SeaTac 8:29 pm

Let's continue to pray for our team's safety, for traveling mercies, and for their re-entry...they will most likely experience varying degrees of reverse culture shock. I remember when we arrived in London last year after having been in Kenya for two weeks. We went to see the Tower, including the Crown Jewels exhibit. I remember feeling edgy and "off" somehow throughout the entire display. I couldn't appreciate any of it. I kept thinking, "just ONE of these diamonds would feed an entire village...and they're swimming in diamonds. couldn't they just spare ONE??"

Remember to be patient with your team member especially during the first week after they return home, though the debriefing process will likely take some time. Keep them in your prayers, and the best gift you can give them is to listen as they share all their experiences and their photos.

God bless you abundantly.

With love in Christ,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Amazing Safari!!

Thursday, July 29 - Dear faithful prayer warriors, the team is back in Nairobi at the cooperative college guest house, after two amazingly wonderful days on Safari! Thank you so much for your prayers against motion sickness...none of our team members experienced any motion sickness, even Vicki! Robyn shared Vicki was prepared with motion sickness patches, but we give credit to the Living God! This is especially wonderful, because the planes aren't very big to begin with (maybe 75 - 100 seaters, -ish). Robyn shared that the plane they took on the way back from Safari literally sat 12 people!!

The team had a wonderful time out on the Masai Mara. They saw all of the "Big 5" animals except the rhinocerus (the "Big 5" are - lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos and buffalo). The leopard and the rhino are very rare, and last year our guide said he hadn't seen a rhino in three months. We did get to see her last year, and she had a baby with her! This year the team's driver took them very close to the leopard (still a safe distance, don't worry), breaking the "rules" to do so. The leopard was up in a tree, and had that morning's kill up in the tree with it. Robyn said it was amazing!

They visited a Masai village, where they got a lot of sun. They walked all through the village, and when it was time to head back to the lodge, many Masai women walked with them. What an experience!! Now I'm going to teach you the one Masai word I's actually the name of a butte lining one edge of the Masai Mara, and I asked our Masai guide last year, Nicholas, its name. It's fun to say! "Olololo" (pronounced "Oh-low-low-low". Isn't that fun to say? :o) It means, "zig zag", or "Wavy", because the butte is long and forms a wavy zig zag. I walked around the lodge last year saying it over and over. Ok so I'm weird. I was a Languages major at University, so these things delight me :o)

Robyn said they spent way too much money in the Masai village, but that they're loaded with treasures they can't wait to show everyone back home! Now the biggest challenge is how to get everything they've got to fit into their bags to come back home! They're not able to use carryon bags - they've got to put those inside checked luggage, because otherwise Ethiopia airlines wants to charge them $150 per carryon. So, pray for creativity in packing, and for everything to arrive undamaged (we all know how rough baggage handlers can be...)

Tomorrow, they will head over to GCC Langata and spend the morning with the kids, one last chance to love them and speak words of life to them until the next time we return to Kenya. I say "we" because I'm not missing the next one!! We always need men on the team, because the Nakuru & Langata boys need male role models. So if you feel God tugging at your heart, whether you're a man or a woman, after reading these blogs, I encourage you to put feet to your faith and sign up for the team next time we go (which will probably be in 2012). If God is calling you, He WILL provide. Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase. You will be stretched and grown beyond your wildest expectations, and you will never be the same again.

Tomorrow after spending some time with the kids the team will have lunch at the Java House, an American-style cafe where they can have hamburgers and milkshakes, then they will head over to the airport for the long journey home.

Pray for amazing sleep tonight, an annointed and blessed time with the kids tomorrow, that the kids will know how precious they are to Jesus through the love our team lavishes on them. Pray for no indigestion or other digestion problems with lunch tomorrow, as they've been eating Kenyan food for two weeks and they're about to get on a plane, so American food could potentially be a shock to their systems...pray for good digestion! Pray for safety as they arrive at the airport and safety during their flights. Pray for favor with the Ethiopian airport officials who will be handling their luggage.

Elizabeth and Robyn asked me to pass along that both of their cell phones are dead, as they didn't bring their chargers. Lynn, I got your message and yes I will definitely post plane arrival information on the blog tomorrow, as I don't have that information here with me today.

Bobby, I think it's safe to expect to discover a baby or two in Vicki's suitcase, if she's successful in hiding them there :o) Just kidding, but I think Robyn will be checking her suitcases just in case :o)

Tomorrow's blog will be my last, but will be very short with only arrival information as today's phone call with Robyn was our final call. It has been my very great pleasure to share team updates with you, praying with you on behalf of our team and our precious kids in Kenya. Please continue to pray for Kenya as you feel led. Pray for the upcoming constitution, that the expected rioting and violence will not even happen, that the change will occur peacefully. Pray for the people living in the different slums in Kenya, especially the women and children - for their protection and provision, and that God would raise up His mighty warriors and His hands and feet to care for these precious people. Pray for abundant provision for Christian Ministries in Africa, that God would continue providing all their needs on behalf of the precious children He has brought to CMIA, and on behalf of the church planting and school planting that has been birthed from CMIA's ministry.

May God richly and abundantly bless You for your obedience to Him.

Much love in the Lord Jesus Christ,

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday's Update!

Monday, July 26 - Monday's update is here! As the team is heading for bed, we're eating lunch. As I type this, it's 11:00 AM in Washington, which means it's 9:oo PM Monday night in Nairobi.

Robyn and I got to speak again this morning, which is always a blessing. She said they had a long, fun day of shopping in Nairobi. There is a little indoor bazaar they go to where the shop owners know Jennifer Hatley, and usually give team members good deals. Robyn said this year the shop owners had all raised their prices to outrageous levels, and she refuses to buy from any of them, except one woman who was very respectful and kept her voice lowered. Often when a shop owner sees a tourist, they will start shouting at them to come visit their stores. Often for Americans, we don't want to offend the shop owner and so we go in and sometimes make a purchase. The shop owners got what they wanted...a purchase. So imagine this going on all around you - people shouting at you, almost demanding that you visit their shops. And then a quiet-voiced, humble woman asks politely for you to visit her shop. Robyn said she made a beeline to this woman's shop just to escape the shouting.

The woman had extremely reasonable prices...well below what the other shop owners were charging. She re-routed the team plus Onea from Texas to this woman's shop and they shopped their hearts out! She said, "seven women shopping sure know how to shop!!" Apparently they came away from the Nairobi bazaar with lots of treasures of all shapes and sizes!

Then they went across the street (remember, they always have a Kenyan chaperone with them. This time it sounded like it was Pastor Joseph, a very humble and amazing man of God) to the tee-shirt / Masai blanket store, but encountered a large mob of people screaming and running. Robyn thought the political riots had started and warned the group to stay indoors. Apparently shop owners were even closing their shops. What had actually happened is that there was a pickpocket. The crowd caught him, and beat him mercilessly. One of the Hatley's daughters (I think Marilla / Naguthi but don't remember) saw him when the crowd brought him to within a few feet of her. She said his face looked like someone had taken a knife to it, and the back of his head looked like it had been kicked. At this time, the cops hadn't arrived yet, and the crowd was taking the law into their own hands. When the cops finally did arrive at least ten minutes later, they didn't appear to be in any hurry. They just casually walked toward the ruckus, talking and joking amongst themselves. Marilla turned to Robyn and said, "At least in America your cops aren't lazy".

So let's pray for this man, the pickpocket. What he did was wrong, yet. Who knows his motivation. Maybe he's a wicked person. Maybe his family is starving and he did what he did out of desperation. It doesn't really matter, in the end. What matters is that Jesus loves him as much as He loves each of us, and what the crowd did to him in response was wrong. Let's pray that God puts someone in his life who can introduce him to Jesus and tell him of the hope that only Christ can give. Pray that his wounds heal quickly, and that no internal damage was done from all the blows he sustained. Let's also pray over that crowd, and the police officers...let's pray that the spirit of depravity that fueled that mob would be broken off Nairobi. That the enemy spirit that screams at mankind to "do to others first before it's done to you" would be broken off the people of Kenya and sent straight to the pit of hell.

After this "excitement", the team went over to Carnivores, an American-style restaurant that serves lots of exotic meats. The Hatley family joined them, and they all had a lovely time stuffing themselves so full that none of them wanted dinner several hours later! After Carnivores, they went to Kazuri beads. A little background about was started as a way for Kenyan women to bring in some income to help support their families. All of the ceramic beads are hand made and fired right there at the Kazuri compound. They're then painted all kinds of brilliant and beautiful colors, and they've actually become world-famous. Several Hollywood actresses shop at Kazuri. They've got a photo up in the giftshop of one of the actresses. I think it's Meryl Streep but honestly I don't rightly remember. As a side note, I attended a friend's church last Sunday and Graham Cooke was speaking. He's a modern-day prophet. His wife was there too, and she was selling Kazuri jewelry! I was able to share with her how I had visited the Kazuri compound last year, and she wanted to know all about it. Pretty neat. Anyway, "Kazuri" is a compound word meaning "Small and beautiful" in Swahili. The jewelry is pretty expensive but it is good to remember that it enables these women to have a thriving enterprise and support their families.

After Kazuri the team went to a new store, Hati's (pronounced "Hah-tees") for more shopping. I think this is how it's spelled but anyway, the point being that the team is now bringing home half of Kenya, so make room in your homes! :o)

After that it was 6 pm and the team went straight back to the guest house at the Cooperative college. They didn't get to see the kids today but they will spend time with them when they return from Safari.

Tomorrow, they leave at 7:30 AM (9:30 PM Pacific Time, if I've counted correctly) to board the Kenyan airways flight to the Masai Mara. The Masai Mara is the same land as the Serengeti in Ethiopia, just called Masai Mara on the Kenyan side. They are staying at Sopa Lodge this year, which is the last of four stops on the flight. Remember to pray for the team that no one gets motion sickness, especially Vicki. Each "leg" of the flight is roughly 30 minutes, so it's literally up and down and up and down...

The really good news is that everyone is one is feeling sick, and each team member is doing good all around. Thank you so much for your prayers to this end! Let's continue to pray for them as they go into a time of refreshing.

They will be at Sopa Lodge half of Tuesday, all of Wednesday, and Thursday morning, when they will have the opportunity for a final safari ride. These safari rides are amazing. I wish I had pictures of last year's safari to post, but they're not on this computer. Anyway, a brief story from my heart...

I don't know why, but it was always a dream of mine, from as far back as I could remember, to be on the African plane watching a storm rolling in the distance. I think I saw a picture in a National Geographic once, or something, that fueled that dream. Then I discovered the music of Enya, who some people don't care for but I personally love her music. She's got a song called "Storms in Africa", which is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. I shared with my roommate, Jerilyn, last year as we were preparing for the trip how I dreamed of being on safari and having "Storms in Africa" playing in the background. What a dear, tender-hearted woman...she downloaded the song to her ipod, brought it with her to Africa, and handed me the ipod right before we went on safari. On that particular day, there WAS a storm rolling in the background...and we drove straight in to it! The Kenyan plane smells AMAZING in the rain. It's warm but not muggy. The damp earth smells wild and free, with a hint of musk. It's like what mens' colognes are always trying to smell like but never fully succeeding at. And I had Storms in Africa playing on the ipod. Amber Bong and I shared the ear buds and stood on the seats, our heads and shoulders through the sun roof, letting the sky pelt us with big fat drops of warm rain. It was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. God granted a silly little dream I'd had for years, in the most tender and amazing ways. If I could've slept out there on that plane in the middle of the rainstorm, I would have!

I share that to say that God has been working in our team members' hearts this entire trip, and even before the trip. Now is when He romances them. When He says, "Come away, my beloved, and dance with me". This is when He helps them process everything they've just experienced, and when He gives them amazing rest. They will still be processing their experiences for several months after returning to America, and I know they will covet your continued prayers.

They will return to Nairobi around noon on Thursday, and Robyn said she will call me after they get back to GCC Langata.

Thank you for your continued steadfast prayers for our beloved team members.

In His Name,

Messages from the Team Members!

Monday, July 26 - Hello dear faithful prayer warriors! I apologize for not updating the blog on Saturday or Sunday - my weekend turned out such that I was not near a computer the entire weekend. I do have updates for both days, so read on!

Saturday, Robyn held the phone out toward the open window and said, "can you hear that? it's a torrential downpour!" This is their end of winter/beginning of spring time, and as I've been watching the weather on my new smart phone, every day has been partly cloudy / cloudy / rainy in Nairobi and Nakuru. Apparently this is the hardest and longest it's rained for quite some time, which is very good news for them.

Robyn said they had an amazing time with the boys on Saturday...they played some new games that none of the boys had ever played before, they had amazing conversations and bonding times with the boys, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Robyn didn't mention dancing but I'm sure you can all ask your team member how long they danced when they get home :o)

Apparently there have been huge swarms of mosquitos in Nakuru, and amazingly, no one on the team had more than 3 - 4 mosquito bites. We are thankful for the malaria medicine they each have; pray that God protects them all from mosquito-borne illnesses such as malaria, etc.

Elizabeth asked Robyn to pass along that she has gotten your messages, Mom, and thanks you for the hugs and the prayers! Also, she hopes her pets are being loved on while she's away!

For Sunday's update, Robyn was calling from a pizza restaurant in Nairobi. They made it home from Nakuru ("home" being Robyn's word, and meaning back to home base in Nairobi...though it does start to feel like a second home!) and they were all craving American food. Beware, families...when your team member gets home, they're going to want a feast! They actually named some foods but I don't remember what those are, so just have a little bit of everything on hand :o)

Robyn shared that the team had a WONDERFUL time in Nakuru. Church was longer than last year, roughly 3.5 hours this time instead of 3. Trust me, the time flies by so quickly you don't even realize you've been in church that long. On Saturday night Robyn was asked to preach the sermon and Elizabeth was asked to teach Sunday School, so neither of them had much time to prepare but from what DeeDee shouted over Robyn's shoulder into the phone, it sounded like both messages were God-blessed. Robyn talked about how we must demonstrate our faith. She asked the question, if you were put on trial for being a Christian, would you be convicted? Would there be enough EVIDENCE in your life to convict you? She told the boys that they are missionaries, which was a revolutionary concept for most of them. To them, a "missionary" is a white person coming from England or America. They had never considered that they are missionaries and their mission field is everywhere they go. Elizabeth taught on Noah's Ark, and from what I heard it was an amazing time of ministry. She really connected with the kids and they really listened to what she had to share. Good job Elizabeth and Robyn!!

After church they spent time with the boys, taking photos for CMIA's ministry, helping them with their sponsor letters, etc. A really neat thing that occurred...Simon, a young man I believe about 20-ish, who has been at GCC Nakuru since he was a little boy and is now actually too old to remain in the orphanage but stays and helps out as one of the staff members, is getting married!! However, he and his fiance' did not have any money for her dowry, so the team was able to contribute about half of the dowry money. Simon was in tears. This gift blessed him beyond belief. Let's pray that God would help him save the remainder of the dowry money, or would provide it supernaturally, so he and his lovely bride-to-be can be married and start their new life together! If Simon is the one I'm thinking of, he is the one who officiated the dance-off we had last year. You know, the one in which my cheezy dance moves made the boys laugh? Yeah, I"m pretty sure he's to blame for calling me up there in the first place. God bless him :o)

The team also will be giving money to buy new mattresses for the boys' home, which is much needed.

They were going to spend Monday shopping, eating at Carnivores, and then back at the GCC Langata compound with the kids there for the remainder of the day. Robyn hasn't called yet as of this posting, but when she does it will most likely be her last phone call from Africa (unless she calls from the airport), as they'll be heading out for two days on the Masai Mara plain.

Bobby, Vicki asked us to pass along that she loves and misses you too, and can't wait to see you again. She was praying for you while you were at camp, and cannot wait to hear your stories!

Elizabeth wanted to confirm that her animals were being loved on :o)

Mama DeeDee wants Ariana to know that the money you donated was well spent, and she will tell you about the two people in the hospital that it helped when she gets home. She loves you very, very much and can't wait to see you, baby girl!

Rhonda sends her love to her son and her daughter...she misses you guys!

Lisa says she has the absolute best husband on the planet and she loves you very much. She also wants to tell Karen and the lifegroup thank you all for praying for her and she can't wait to tell you all about everything she's experienced in Africa. She loves you all!

Also, Robyn called back on Sunday and left a message - it cut in and out so I'm not sure who the message was from, but it's for Bonnie...and Bonnie, please forgive me but I'm hoping this makes sense to you. Anyway, they got your message, can't wait to see you in 2012, even written a letter to encourage you in your dream.

Robyn said thank you all for your prayers for team unity...this has been the most awesome, unified team and deep friendships have been formed and bonds strengthened.

I am eagerly awaiting her phone call this morning, which will be the final update. The above photo is from the Serena Lodge website. This year they'll be staying at a different lodge, but this gives you an idea of the magnitude of the Masai Mara plane. You can actually see a slight rounding of the land in the distance, which is the bend of the earth. AMAZING!!

Let's continue to pray for our team, that God would keep them safe their final few days in Africa, that He would bless them abundantly with rest and the ability to process everything they've just experienced, and that He would draw them into deeper communion and relationship with Him. Pray for safety on the flight to the's a small-ish plane, I'm thinking a 737 but not certain (gosh, I work at'd think I would know...). Vicki gets motion sickness when the plane takes off and lands, so let's pray that God would remove this from her and that she'd look back and realize she never even got queasy - to the glory of God!

Heavenly Father, we thank you so very much for this amazing time of ministry You've given the team. We know You have already been speaking to their hearts and working in their lives, and we pray in the Name of Jesus that the would forever be ruined for "normal" - that this would be the start of something big in their lives. Jesus, protect and guide them these final days. Bless them this year as You blessed us last year. Let them see You on safari. Sing over them at night, enabling them to process what they've just seen and experienced. Thank You so very much for Your times of refreshing. We love You, Jesus. Amen.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday 7/23 - I forgot one thing! (see today's first post...)

Friday, July 23 - Now I feel sheepish :o) I forgot to pass along some very important messages from three of our team members!

Ashley, Lisa's daughter - your Mom says happy birthday! She is thinking about you and loves you!

Ron, DeeDee and Rhonda's dad - your daughters say happy birthday! They love you and they're gonna throw a huge birthday bash for you when they get home (okay, actually I made the part about the birthday bash up, but if they do throw one for you, I'm inviting myself over - especially if there are BBQ ribs and corn on the cob!) ;o)

Much love in the Lord,

Restful Day

Friday, July 23 - Hello, dear and faithful prayer warriors! The refreshing of the Spirit is like a long drink of cool water to a parched throat on a hot day, isn't it? I love this photo to the left...this was taken last year in the office of the GCC Langata compound. One of our team members, Scott, took a long drink out of the huge water bottles we carried around with us, and I snapped it just in time! Through the doorway you can see construction of their new church building. Incidentally, all those rocks are hand-cut using chisels and hammers. We saw them chiseling away at them last year. I think this building is finished now, and I can hardly wait to see it next time I go!

Robyn and I got to speak again this morning. It amazes me how tired, yet how content, her voice sounds over the phone. It's amazing when you're right where you're supposed to be, obeying God's call...that's the sound of her voice, like even though the work they're doing isn't easy emotionally or physically, the joy of the Lord is bringing contentment. Like a long drink of cool water on a hot day.

Robyn said they arrived safely in Nakuru, so thank you all for your prayers for safe travel. They got to see the new property out in the country that I mentioned in a previous post, and she said they were able to see a glimpse of the vision CMIA has for this property and how it will minister to and help train up the young boys and men in their care. She said it is absolutely amazing, and I can hardly wait to see pictures and hear first hand stories of how God is moving in Nakuru. She said today was a very laid back and refreshing day, which was much needed. When we spoke, they were all at Jumuia Guest House and getting ready for a good nights' sleep. Tomorrow they will spend all day with the boys, doing projects, games, and even a service project to help teach the boys about putting their faith into action. The Bible tells us that faith without works is dead. This doesn't mean we do good works to try to earn our way into heaven, but rather that if we say we love Christ, the outward manifestation of that relationship will be the good works we do for Him. That is the goal of this year's mission trip, to help the kids understand and put this into practice.

HalleluJah, everyone who was feeling sick is much, much better. Thank you so much for your prayers for their health - keep petitioning the Lord on their behalf, for continued good health! I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has contacted me with messages for your team member - I will surely pass them along to Robyn when we speak tomorrow morning! I've heard from Lynn, Bobby, Mark and Karen...if someone else has tried to contact me, I haven't received your message so please do try again!

Robyn did specifically ask for prayer for energy for the team tomorrow, as these boys have high-octane energy levels! I am in awe of the pastors and the house dads who care for the Nakuru boys...I don't know how they keep up with them! All of these boys are AMAZING dancers. Last year in church we had several "sessions", as they're called, with different age groups dancing for us. One of the pastors explained that the boys need a physical outlet to express their emotions - remember, many of these boys have come from terrible childhoods that we can't even begin to imagine. Most of them were street boys, some saw their families murdered in front of their eyes, and so many other horrors we don't like to think about in America. By God's grace, many of them are healing and have healed from their emotional wounds under the amazing love and care of the CMIA ministry. Dancing is one part of the healing process for many of them.

A side story...I remember last year we had a "dance off" on Saturday. The boys all got up and danced, and the best dancer from every round was chosen. Then, the young man officiating the dance off said, "And now we're going to get our guests to dance" and then pointed straight at me. ME!! I was like, "um, me? ME?!?" The clutzy girl with two left feet? I was completely embarrassed but I got up there and did every cheezy dance move I could think of. You know, mashing potatoes, the sprinkler, the macarena...just trying to keep up with those kids! Yes, it was humiliating, but in the very best way. The boys all loved it and they thought I was incredibly silly. When you see their pristine white smiles, you want to do anything you can to keep them smiling, even cheezy dance moves :o)

All that to say, that we can pretty much expect the same thing this year...the boys will insist that our team members dance with them, and they'll be dancing all afternoon. Literally. I'm not kidding. So keep the team in your prayers, for high energy levels and good health to be able to enjoy dancing and sports and all sorts of activities with these boys.

Also, the team is nearing the end of the ministry portion of the trip, so please pray for their endurance. This is when the enemy tries to catch us off guard, to elevate physical exhaustion and knock us off our paths. Now more than ever the team needs our prayers. Pray for blessings to pour out on and cover the next two days with the boys, for team refreshing, for good spirits, energy for dancing and ministering to the boys, both Saturday and Sunday. Pray for strong bonds to be formed, and that every single boy there will get some personalized attention...that they would each know how very precious and loved they are, by God's heart extended through the team.

Oh Lord Jesus, we know You love these precious boys and all the CMIA staff so much more than we can ever fathom. Holy Spirit, descend on that place. Heal any remaining wounds, especially of the youngest boys who are newer to the orphanage. Raise up an army of young Spirit-filled men who are passionate to bring Your love to their country. I thank you for the older boys who already have strong burning desires to reach their country with Your good news. I thank you for the young man I met last year who desires to serve as a chaplain in the army so he can tell people in the Kenyan military about You. I thank You, Jesus, that GCC Nakuru is on fire for You...I pray You intensify that fire, call out and set apart these boys for Your special annointing and ministry, dearest Jesus. We pray this in Your Name! Lord Jesus I ask too for my little guys in Nakuru. You know it breaks my heart to not be there with them this year. Bring someone special to them, as I know they'll be looking to see if I step off the van or not. Allow them to bond with this year's team in a special way. In Your Name I pray!

Until tomorrow, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, may you hold high the Name of Jesus Christ as you serve Him here in America, and may the blessings and the peace of Christ, and the joy of His strength, wash over you.

With love,

Jumuia Guest House entrance, photo taken from guard shack.

Nakuru boys, younger kids dancing for us!

Older boys dancing for us!

the young man who wants to be a chaplain in the Kenyan army

Dance off...we danced our hearts out, and they STILL danced circles around us!

Raquel and friend dancing SALSA!

Scott preaching the Sunday sermon. He got right down and spoke directly to the kids.

Jeff talking about allowing Christ to mold us, like clay.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Heartbreak in Ruben Slums

Thursday, July 22 - Greetings again in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I got off the phone with Robyn a few minutes ago, and she sounded content but tired. She asked how things were going here, and as I haven't heard otherwise from anyone, I told her we're all good.

Robyn said that they spent the day in Ruben slums and it was absolutely heartbreaking. In Kibura, they were on the outskirts of the slum but in Ruben, they were actually in the heart of the slum. They drove through sewage and piles of garbage everywhere, and a little "river" that smelled terrible running through the area. She wasn't sure if it was even water, but whatever it was, it has no business being anywhere near where humans dwell. She said it broke their hearts to see the conditions these precious people live in every single day.

They went to the GCC school there and the kids, always enthusiastic to perform, got up and did several performances for the team. The team then taught them the Hokey Pokey, Father Abraham and "Head, Shoulder Knees and Toes" songs/dances. She said the younger kids loved those! They also had the opportunity to sit and talk with some of the older kids, and they were amazed by the questions these kids asked. They asked very heartbreaking and deep questions such as "is there poverty in America?", "Is there war in America?", and "How do you grow your garden in America?" etc. The kids wanted to make sense of what they've already experienced in their young lives, and they wanted tips for how to improve their meager gardens and small enterprises. These people are incredibly intelligent and gifted, not to mention very hard working, yet many just do not have the means to improve their lives without some sort of assistance.

The team was in Ruben longer than they had expected to be, but it was as the Spirit led. They did not end up serving at the feeding station there because they ran out of time, but be assured the feeding station still operated, just without the team's help.

Pray for the people of Ruben. Truthfully, today after hearing Robyn's report I'm not even sure what prayer prompts to suggest, but pray as the Spirit leads you. Oh Father, You see the terrible conditions these precious human beings are living in. You see the diseases and the sickness they bear because they don't have sanitary places to live. You see the water supply. Father, increase the ministry of CMIA in Ruben. Give these precious souls hope. Reach down into the midst of their need and meet them right where they are, Jesus. Only You can do this. Prompt our hearts here in America to partner in prayer, in giving, in whatever way You want us to. We are so rich here, Father. Even those of us who are "poor" are so much richer than the richest person living in this slum. Jesus, You came to give life and that abundantly. Reach down and stir up Your life here in Ruben, Jesus. Squash the enemy. Kick him out of the camp. And let Your Spirit descend on Ruben and on these people. We pray in Your precious and holy, amazing Name, Amen.

Robyn shared that Lisa is feeling much better than yesterday, but still fighting off the attack on her system. She was happy she was out of bed and able to go to Ruben with the team, however! Today, Rhonda is not feeling well and was in bed all day. Pray for her speedy and complete recovery. The good news is that no one has been hit by the "bug" that took out half our team last year for several days, but some people's systems are having trouble adjusting to the food. It is quite stressful on the body to uproot from America and be planted in Africa - God has given us amazing bodies that do most of the work "behind the scenes", but let's continue praying that each team member would be given the strength and the health needed to serve faithfully each day. Let's continue to pray for protection for each team member against any sickness or "bug" that would wipe out their systems. Let's pray for good health, for vitality and energy for each team member. And let's cover Rhonda in our prayers, that her strength would return tonight and that she would be 100% better when sunlight dawns over the Kenyan countryside.

After spending time in Ruben, the team went to Langata where they took photos of the kids, then played and did games, crafts, and activities. They left around 6 pm and went back to the cooperative college, where their guesthouse is, and crashed. Robyn and I were speaking about 8:30 pm their time, and she said everyone was more than ready for bed.

Now an update on the new Kenyan Constitution...Robyn shared that voting does not happen until August, but there is a lot of rallying and demonstrations going on. She wants to assure everyone here that the team is not in the least bit afraid for their safety. She said most of the issue being debated revolves around the Muslim court, which is different than the Kenyan government court. Robyn shared there is a large group of Muslims staying at the cooperative college where the team is staying, and they've been woken up every day at 5 am by their call to prayer. She said they all seem friendly but they haven't had much contact with them. Pray for God's light of TRUTH to shine brightly on these lost souls. Christ died for them and wants to see them accept the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Tomorrow the team is traveling to Nakuru to the GCC boys' home. This is roughly a 3-hour drive, so pray for safety on the road. They will visit the new property in the countryside above Nakuru and see the progress that has been built since last year (last year there was only a foundation of hand-hewn rocks). This new property is important for the boys because their current compound within the Nakuru city proper is pretty small for a bunch of growing boys. This new property will get the boys out of the city (where rioting occurred right up to the gates of the compound in 2008) and also give them room to run and play, give them room to grow produce and raise ducks and pigeons, which are all sources of income and teach the boys a trade and responsiblity. I am anxious to see photos of the progress!

Steven Ishmael, who has been with the team in both slums, and Onea from Texas will be riding with the team down to Nakuru. Onea has been working with the Hatleys in the GCC schools, and it sounds like she's been a real blessing to the ministry.

They will visit the boys briefly and then get checked into the Jumuia (Joom-we-ah) Guest House where they will be staying. Saturday they will spend all day with the boys, and go to church with them on Sunday. Oh, how I wish I were there with them! Like Tony Bennet sang, I left my Nakuru! God, please prompt someone to give love to my little Antony and little Benjamin! How I wish I could be there to lavish Your love on them!

Robyn asked specifically that we pray for the team as individuals, that God would show them how to handle the emotions and all they've experienced...while Kenya is an incredibly beautiful country, with amazing people and some of the most beautiful land I have ever seen in my entire life, it is also a devastating country...when you go to Kenya, it is absolutely impossible not to be changed somehow. Your heart is ripped right out of your chest. The hard part is knowing how to handle the change, when you very often don't understand it yourself. The amazing news is that God knows perfectly how to handle the change, and how to help each team member know what to do with what is going on in their hearts right now. Hearts are breaking, hearts are being opened further than ever imagined. When they come home, they will need a lot of support and love, and they will continue to process their experience for many months afterward. Let's start praying for this process even now.

Nasia, your mama wanted me to tell you that she loves you and is thinking about you. I know she is thinking about when you'll get to join her in Kenya in a few years! She wanted to know if you're getting excited about your camping trip coming up in a few weeks!

If anyone wants to get a brief message to your loved ones on the CHCC team, feel free to call me at 206-406-9604. Remember to keep your message brief, as air time is expensive from Kenya and I won't have a lot of time to share messages with Robyn... but I'll be happy to pass your message along to Robyn to pass along to your wife/mother/daughter/sister/aunt :o)

Intercessing with you on behalf of our team in Kenya,

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blessings in Kibura!

Wednesday, July 21 - Hello, precious prayer warriors! Thank you for your vital ministry on behalf of the Kenya 2010 team! Robyn's voicemail this morning was very encouraging and there are also two very specific prayer on...

The team spent the day at Kibura slums, the largest slum in Kenya. One time I actually googled Kibura and saw a satelite image - it's a great thing to do if you want to get an idea of the magnitude of this slum. Anyway, the team visited the GCC (Grace Childrens Centre) school there, which is housed in the small COTR (Church on the Rock) church building. The feeding station is next door, and the team was able to serve at the feeding station this year (last year we arrived about a half hour too late...) Robyn said this particular feeding station now serves 1257 children every day, which has grown from last year! CMIA (Christian Ministries in Africa) also has started planning to start another feeding station "downtown" in the heart of Kibura, so please keep this in your prayers. Pray for abundant food supplies and provisions for continued food, pray for the cooking team that will be serving there regularly, pray for God's heart for these precious people to be clearly visible to the people living in Kibura, that they may see their children being fed and want to know more about this God we serve.

Robyn said they were able to see some of the fruit of CHCC (Canyon Hills Community Church)'s previous support for CMIA that has been allocated to Kibura, including blankets and small businesses that have been started after the rioting of 2008. She said it was awesome to see tangible evidence of CHCC's support and how it is making a difference in the lives of these people.

The team then spent the rest of the day doing some shopping in Nairobi and then at GCC Langata, helping the kids finish their letters to their sponsors. Tomorrow they will be going to Ruben slums, and then back to GCC Langata for a fun day with the kids. They've got some games and activities they're going to break out now that the letter writing is done! The following day they'll travel the 3 hours to Nakuru and spend a few days there with the boys.

SPECIFIC PRAYER REQUESTS: One of our team members, Lisa, is not feeling well. Robyn didn't expound on the kind of illness, just that she's been in bed all day. Please pray for her health, that the Lord would heal whatever is trying to attack her body and that she will be up in full health and rarin' to go in the morning. For those that don't know her yet, Lisa is a very sweet lady with a huge heart to serve in whatever capacity God brings to her door. This is her first time to Africa and I know she's been looking forward to this trip for many months. Please pray for her immediate and total healing. Remember to keep praying for the health of all the team members, for a hedge of protection to be placed around their bodies internally and externally.

Lord Jesus, great and mighty Jehovah Rapha, You are the Great Physician. You don't need any medicines or doctors to heal us. We ask boldly right now for Your healing touch on Lisa, for Your life and strength to flow through her and infuse her with Your health. Lord, we know you have great plans for Lisa in Africa, and we pray that Your purposes will be accomplished through her; that the devices of the enemy will not stand against the mighty hand of Jehovah Jireh. El Shaddai, the God who does for us what we could never do for ourselves, we ask You to heal Lisa as she sleeps. Awake her in the morning with news of Your unfailing love, refreshed and ready to serve. In Your Mighty Name we pray, declaring and believing that You will do this, Amen.

The second prayer request is for the people of Kenya as well as CMIA and the team. Robyn said a new Kenyan constitution is being put into place, most of it happening next week. There is a big fear and tension in Kenya right now that violence will break out as it did during the 2008 elections. This is not said to alarm anyone here in the States; God knows all about this and He already knew about this long before the team ever stepped foot on the airplane. We trust in His protection for our team members, as well as the children, pastors, support staff and missionaries of the CMIA family. In 2008 the violence was tribal; a member of one of the three main Kenyan tribes was elected president, and the opposing tribe attacked. This year, the problem is not tribal but religious - Muslim vs. Christian. Thankfully, the team will not be in Nairobi next week, but on Safari at Masai Mara. Regardless of what happens in Nairobi and other major cities, the team should be safe because of their geographical location, a few hours' plane ride south of Nairobi. David Hatley has already taken measures to prepare for the team's safety, though Robyn did not share what those measure were.

Keep Kenya in your prayers right now. The Kibura children were singing a song about the 2008 elections while the team was there with them, very sad when you know some of what many of them have lived through. Robyn recited the words of the song to me, "Elections elections so sorry, so killed my mother, you killed my father, you killed my brother, you killed my sister...elections elections don't come again..." The violence in the slums often tends to be the worst, and very often the women and the children see the worst of it, if they survive the experience.

Jesus, our Great Protector, we come before You humbly in Your Name on behalf of Kenya, of our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and our brothers and sisters in humanity. Jesus, You already know exactly what will happen, so we don't worry about a thing. But we beseech You in the Name of Jesus for this expected violence to never come to fruition. Jesus, we ask that You thwart the plans of the enemy. We ask You to heal the land of Kenya; that no more will innocent blood be shed on that parched ground. Father, in Your tender mercy, give the government officials wisdom and guidance as they finish this new constitution and as they introduce it to the country. Lord, we stand on the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14; cause us to humble ourselves before Almighty God. Prompt our hearts, Lord. Cause us to spend time seeking Your face. Enable us to put all distractions aside as we seek You on behalf of Kenya as well as our own country, Father. Help us to do this, and heal our lands, Jesus. We ask boldly for protection for the team members, as well as everyone associated with CMIA in any capacity. Father, we ask for Your protection for the precious children, that they may never again see violence of any kind but that they may live in peace. Jesus, our hearts break at what goes on when violence breaks out in Kenya. We pray that this bloodshed will end and be broken forever in the Name of Jesus Christ. Reclaim this territory for Your Name sake, Jesus. So that all in Kenya will know that Jesus Christ is King of kings and LORD of lords. In Your precious and mighty Name we pray, declare and BELIEVE, Amen.

Part of Kibura slums

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And two people joined the team...

Tuesday, July 20 - Hello again! Thank you so much for your continued prayers on behalf of our beloved team members serving in Kenya. I actually got to speak with Robyn this morning, instead of listening to a voicemail...she was calling me before going to sleep (it's 9:30 pm in Kenya as I type this) and she sounded really tired, but very positive. She said the team is doing very well - there has been no major sickness, and she asked that we continue to pray for good health for all the team members.

She shared they had had a long but very good day, that they had been in Langata all day, helping the house mums with cooking, visiting and playing with the GCC kids, they had taken the pre-primary (preschool age) kids to the Giraffe Park and had a wonderful time while there...apparently there was a face painter at the park, and they were able to have all the kids' faces painted as well as get their own faces painted, which meant a lot to the kids. They also started helping the kids write letters to their U.S. sponsors. This was a crazy process, Robyn said, and they ran out of paper so they'll need to go get more.

Now for the two new members many of you know, Greg and Jean Ishmael are the U.S. Coordinators for CMIA. Greg is the pastor of a church up in Snohomish (I'm sorry, my memory is failing me at the moment as to the name of the church, but don't you know that as soon as I hit "post", I'll remember...) Any way, Greg and Jean's youngest son, Steven, arrived in Langata yesterday from South Africa and will be joining the team for their trek to Nakuru. Also joining the team for the 3-hour drive to Nakuru will be Onea from Texas, who was helping CMIA on a missions trip with her church and it sounded like she stayed in Kenya after her team went home (the connection broke up a little at this point so I hope I'm getting it right...)

So please pray for these two new "members", that God would continue to work in their lives as they serve Him in Africa...that they would feel welcomed by our team (I don't doubt that for a second!) and for continued protection and safety for them. Pray also for their families - I dont' know if they're married or single, but regardless please pray for whatever family they've left behind in the States, for comfort in the absence of their loved ones, for protection and provision, and that they would be seeking the Lord for His call on their lives!

Tomorrow (our "tonight") they will be going to Kibura slums, to the Church on the Rock (COTR) church, school and feeding station there. Just a side note about is the largest slum in Kenya. The shanty shacks stretch as far as the eye can see. Last year, this is where God first gripped my heart in Kenya. I remember at first feeling very odd, like I didn't belong. I thought to myself, "what am I doing here?!" and then all of that fled when I met one little girl who broke my heart and the team almost literally had to drag me away from her. Her name is Juvia and I've included a photo in today's post. This was taken just before the team dragged me away from her :o)

Please pray for the team as they visit Kibura...pray for safety, and that they would bless the children living there in abject poverty - and when I say "abject poverty", remember I'm talking about a 3rd world country. Pray for a supernatural movement of God's Holy Spirit amongst the people living in this shanty city. Pray for protection for the children and their families. Pray that many hundreds of thousands would come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior through the ministry of CMIA's Church on the Rock and the GCC school and feeding station there. Pray for abundant provision for the feeding station there, that the children may grow up strong and well-nourished to serve God's Kingdom.

The team will also be visiting Ruben slums, either the same or the following day (again, the line cut out here and it's very expensive to call from Kenya, so we'll have to wait for the team to return to see how things played out). I've never been to Ruben, but God is there and please pray all the same things over the precious children and people living in Ruben.

After they visit the slums they will be returning to Langata GCC to help the kids finish their letter writing, and then spending the rest of the day loving them, playing with them, being with them. Pray for bonds to be strengthened and new bonds formed, so that every child feels the love of one of the team members, and no one feels left out.

In addition, please continue to pray for team unity. One of the first places the enemy tries to strike is in the area of unity, but we laugh at the enemy and say "you won't succeed, so get out!" in Jesus' Name! I'm always comforted by the verse in the Bible that says God laughs at His enemies. Isn't that an awesome thought? Remember, our precious team members are directly in enemy territory right now. They're holding up very well, but we don't want to let down our prayer guard for even a moment. Let's continue to lift up them and their families before the throne of Grace night and day, always petitioning God on their behalf.

With much love,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Amazing Weekend with the Girls...

Monday, July 19 - God is moving in Makindu! Thank you all for your steady and faithful prayers on behalf of the CMIA ministry in Africa, as well as our beloved missions team members. Robyn's phone message from Sunday was very difficult to make out, as there was a lot of static on the line. However, I was able to hear that they had an amazing day at church with the girls, as well as an amazing time of bonding after church. Robyn said it was one of the best days she's ever experienced in Makindu. They spent time with the girls, did projects, and had some amazing bonding times with the precious girls at GCC Makindu.

When she called me this morning for today's update, the team was in the van on the way back to Nairobi, almost there. Everyone said hi, which was fun to hear...everyone's voice sounded upbeat, excited, and very happy! Robyn said they spent the morning at the GCC preprimary schools in Makindu and they served at their first feeding station, where there was enough food for every single child to have a meal, and enough left over for some of the children to get seconds - praise the Lord! The team was able to spend some time shopping at the wood carvers' huts across the street from Hunter's Lodge, which will help stimulate the Kenyan economy. Be praying for the wood carvers...they're amazing people and last year I befriended several of them. Pray for their salvation, for God's provision and protection. I know they look forward to our team visiting every year, because historically we tend to buy a lot! :o)

After this morning's final shopping session they piled into the van for the 3-hour trip back to Nairobi (Langata). Robyn said they saw a huge herd of giraffe on the side of the road, and Lisa shared they even did some 4-wheeling on an unfinished section of road! Keep the van drivers in your takes amazing skill to drive safely in Kenya! The drivers are typically pastors or men who are involved with the CMIA ministry, and act as chaperones to the team. Keep them and their families in your prayers; they are integral parts of the CMIA ministry. Pray for their protection and provision, and that the Lord would increase their territory...that He would bless their boundaries and cause them to stretch further and wider than they ever dreamed possible. Pray that He would plant a BIG dream in their hearts, and that they would pursue their dreams for God's Kingdom with tireless enthusiasm! Also pray that the CMIA ministry would be blessed because of their tireless service; that the dream God planted in the Hatleys' hearts would blossom and bloom to even larger territories than the Hatleys ever thought possible. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and that the Hatleys and their ministry team would follow God's leading diligently.

Robyn also shared that they got multiple photos of Mt. Kilimanjaro on the way back. For anyone who knows me, I have a small (read: majorly huge) love affair with Kilimanjaro. Last year we didn't get to see it once, as there was always a cloud cover when we would've been positioned to see it. However, this year it sounds like there were clear blue skies, and the team blessed me tremendously by taking photos so I could travel to Africa vicariously through their experiences. Thank you, everyone - you bless me by your love for me!

Back to the blog...When the team arrives back at the GCC Langata grounds they will be spending the rest of the afternoon with the kids there, both boys and girls. Pray for amazing times of ministry and divine appointments, pray that the team would be Jesus' hands and feet to the kids. Pray for the kids, that they would feel Jesus' love for THEM individually through the team members. Pray also for the amazing house mums and house dads who act as parents to these precious children...pray that they would be refreshed, and that the Lord would greatly encourage them in their ministries and give them the strength and love they need to be mum or dad to the many children in their care. Tonight, the team will be having pizza with David and Jennifer Hatley, which will be a welcome treat - a little taste of home!

Tomorrow the team will be spending the day in Langata with the children again. Pray for their energy levels, that they would all get plenty of good quality sleep tonight so they can lavish these amazing kids with love. Pray their hearts would be blessed as they give so freely of themselves to these kids, who are so eager to love and be loved! Pray especially for the AIDS children, that God would speak to their hearts of their preciousness to Him! Pray that they would each have amazing ministries of their own as they reach out to their friends and even their countrymen, for no one is too young to have an amazing impact for the Kingdom of God.

And now, dear friends, please pray especially for Robyn, as she is called to be the leader of this team. Pray that God would speak clearly to her during this time, that she would follow His voice unswervingly and uncompromisingly. Pray for a Spirit of Wisdom to descend on her, and that God would lift her up during her quiet times with Him. Pray for wisdom, for guidance, for protection, and that God would abundantly lavish her with favor for her faithfulness to the CMIA children and mission. This is her 5th year serving with CMIA as a team leader, and I know CMIA has been blessed abundantly through her dedicated service. Pray for her daughter, Nasia, her in the States, for safety and protection while her mom is in Kenya. Pray for Nasia's heart to already be filling with a special dream God has planted, that He will show her His vision for her life even now. Pray that she will be set apart to serve Him all the days of her life, and that she will grow in grace and favor as she follows Him and lifts high His Name.

Heavenly Father, You Who know everything, we bring these requests before Your throne of grace humbly and with one voice, and we ask You boldly to do all this and more, according to Your excellent love for us. Jesus, we pray YOUR will be done, Your purposes for this team be accomplished. We will hold them high before Your throne day and night, precious Lord Jesus. In Your Name we pray. Amen.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday, July 17 - Robyn's voice mail this morning was very positive and upbeat...she said the team had a wonderful day yesterday on the drive to Makindu, and their first day in Makindu was eventful and full of amazing opportunities to spread God's love. The team arrived in Makindu around mid-afternoon, checked in to their hotel (Hunter's Lodge) and got settled. Then they drove over to the Girls' Home, picked up all of the girls, and took them to the hospital where they were able to pay off multiple hospital bills (both children and even some adults!) with the extra money that was raised for this trip. This is a really important ministry because in Kenya, if you can't pay your hospital bill, you're not allowed to leave the hospital grounds. So this is a tangible way the team is able to show Christ's love, and the theme of the trip this year just happens to be "Putting your faith into action". The GCC (Grace Childrens' Centre) girls were able to put their faith into action today by serving their countrymen and women in desperate need.

A side note: When I say "hospital", remember this is a third world hospital. They are as clean as possible, but nothing like our hospitals in America. The smell is not aseptic - when you are in a Kenya hospital, you seemingly are surrounded by every unpleasant organic smell under the sun. This experience is a huge time of stretching and growing for the team, as it is an opportunity to "do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me" do things in His strength, not in their own human ability or strength. Praise the Lord that it was such a positive experience for the GCC girls and for the team!

The team walked through the hospital, visiting the childrens' burn unit, where some children have been recovering who were severely burned by cooking fires. Last year (as well as this year from the sounds of it) we were also able to tour the remainder of the hospital, visiting the maternity ward as well as the men's ward and the HIV ward. As they toured the hospital this year, one young boy touched the team's hearts in particular and they were able to help him by paying off his bill, playing with him and doing collages, and helping in some other tangible ways. Robyn said he is an orphan, trying to care for his younger brother. I wasn't clear whether the older or younger brother is in the hospital, but Robyn promised more detail when we speak in person tonight.

Tomorrow the team will be going to church in Makindu with the girls, and are looking forward to worshipping God in Africa. Church in Africa is one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. It lasts for at least three hours, and no one looks at their watches. Even the little kids are listening with rapt attention to the Pastor, or whomever is speaking, singing, or ministering in any way at the moment. Compared to many churches in America who have their set schedules and their exacting time frames, it is a huge breath of fresh air. It feels led by the Holy Spirit, which is the way church should be. It's just one of the many reasons I love Africa. Let's pray that God would minister to each precious heart in attendance, that no one would be the same leaving as they were when they arrived.

Please continue to pray for good health and plenty of quality sleep at night for the team. Tomorrow they will be spending more time with the girls. Pray for unity of heart and Spirit for the team, and that they will be able to minister to the girls, who are all pre-teen to teenage level. Pray for protection, and for amazing Divine appointments for everyone there. Pray that the kids will see Christ in action through the team.

Until next time, standing with you in solidarity on behalf of our beloved team,


Friday, July 16, 2010


Friday, July 16 - PRAISE THE LORD!! Prayers are already being answered! Robyn called me this morning (Kenya is 10 hours ahead, so for her it was Friday night) to share that they had arrived safely in Kenya, and spent the day in Langata at the Grace Children's Centre. She said it was wonderful to be back among the children and that they'd all had fun with the kids, but that no one really got quality sleep on the flight from Ethiopia to Kenya so the team is even more tired than the last post. However, in my last post I shared that Ethiopia Airlines wanted to charge the team extra per carryon bag to check them into the cargo hold. God answered our prayers in a huge way...Ethiopia Air ended up only charging them $150 for ONE bag, rather than $150 for SIX bags...PRAISE THE LORD!!

Please keep the team in your prayers, as they're all operating on jet lag and little sleep. And trust me, they hit the ground running (literally!) and won't stop til Safari at the end of the trip, so there's no room for jet lag. Pray that God's supernatural energy would flood their minds, bodies and spirit, to be able to be His hands and feet to these precious kids and all the people they come in contact with.

Pray for their continued safety, and that God would open their hearts even more for His moving in their lives as they pour out to the precious people of Kenya. They're settling in for a good night's sleep tonight, and pray for much refreshing and revival of their physical and emotional needs. Tomorrow they journey three hours by van to Makindu, straight in to territory currently occupied by the enemy. Pray for REVIVAL in Makindu, that God would TAKE BACK this ground for His Kingdom! Pray for the hearts of the people in Makindu to be open to God and closed to the witch doctors, voo doo priests, and spirit of Islam that currently set themselves up against the Spirit of the Living God in Makindu. Pray for the safety of the girls in Makindu, that God would keep them sheltered under His protection. For she ''who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall rest in the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1). Pray that the girls would impact their town and their country in MIGHTY ways for the Kingdom of God. Pray also for their precious hearts...some of these girls have been severely wounded before they came to Christian Ministries in Africa's Grace Children's Centres, and need the miraculous healing touch of Jesus.

Oh, how my heart longs to be in Kenya with the team! Thanks be to God, we can be joined with them in unity though they're in Africa and we're continents away!

If anyone has any questions, you can reach me at 206-406-9604. Til tomorrow's post, God bless you and your loved ones as you hold high HIS Name.


Thursday, July 15, 2010


Thursday July 15 - Hello! The Kenya Team 2010 is underway! They left late last night from SeaTac airport and Robyn called me at 6 am PST to let me know they'd landed in DC. Who am I, you ask? My name is Tara, and I will be updating the blog while Robyn and the team are in Africa. I was on the Kenya 2009 team, and will never, ever forget my experiences there. If you ever have a chance to journey to Africa, especially Kenya, let me encourage you to take it. I've always wanted to go to Africa, and this trip changed my entire life in amazing ways! God had other plans for me this year, or I'd be on my way to Kenya again with the team. As it was, I tried to stuff myself into one of their duffle bags, but my legs stuck out. I've heard the cargo hold gets pretty frigid, anyway. So, no sneaking into luggage this year for me! However, I am absolutely confident I will go again in a future year!

Robyn shared this morning that the team is pretty tired, as no one was able to sleep on the flight from SeaTac to DC. In addition, when they were checking in to Ethiopia Airlines, they were told their carry on luggage was over the weight limit (which no one previously knew about) and that they had to check all their carry on luggage...on top of which, Ethiopia Air wanted to charge them extra to do this. So they are already encountering challenges, but as they're heading straight into enemy territory we've been expecting the challenges. Please keep them fervently in your prayers, for the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous Believer availeth much!

Standing with you in prayer,

1. Look at all that luggage! Our luggage 2009 upon arrival in Kenya / 2. Children of the they love visitors!