Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kenya Meeting

We only have 2 1/2 more months till we are heading out to Kenya!! That means only a couple more meetings. Today we got a lot done and had fun at the same time. God is bring a great team together... Here is what we went over....

  • For our opener we each told the team about a game from our childhood we enjoyed playing. It is fun to go back and remember what was fun for us. As we go to Kenya we need to remember what was fun for us as kids as we work with kids.
  • Support is coming in slowly for some. We need to get our funds in for our flight by May 15th... Do what ever you can now. Get your fund raisers going. Let your supports know.
  • We saw a video on the slums in Kenya. It is not about CMIA but CMIA is doing the same thing there. It gives a great idea what life is like in the slums of Kenya. We will be there on our first day.
  • We went over our tentative schedule.
  • THE GARAGE SALE: Please be at Jeff's by 7:30am sharp. We will be setting up. Plan on being there all day. No leaving early please. The sell will end at 4pm and then we will clean up. If you have friends donating or helping please have them come in the morning. It will be a long day but let's make it fun. We will go over final details at our next meeting.
  • We went over more about the things we will do with the kids in Kenya. If you are in charge of projects please have them figured out by the next meeting. We need to know what we are doing by then and what is needed.
Our next meeting is Sunday May 16th at 2pm.
Please don't forget.

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