Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back on

Hi everyone... I have a computer again!! While mine is in the shop for the next four weeks a friend was good enough to let me use hers...

In the past few weeks we have seen the sun start to come out and warm us up. Flowers are blooming and spirits are picking up. Spring is here. That means Kenya is just around the corner.

We have 79 more days till we leave!!!

We have a lot of work to get done before we leave:

Please be collecting things for the garage sale.
The sale is May 22nd and 23rd.

Collecting things for us to bring with us.

Be working on the things we are going to be doing with the kids...
Please have them for our next meeting.

Work on getting your funds in...
The first deadline for the air fare is May 15th.

Our next meeting is next Sunday
See you all there!!

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