Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kenya Meeting...

We leave in only 62 more days!!!

Very productive meeting...
Here is the run down...

Garage Sale:
  • Please be there at 7:30. Plan on being there all day.
  • Lisa will pick up all the Hot Dogs and things to go with them
  • Lisa, DeeDee and Tara will bring tables
  • Signs are done from last years sale so we don't have to make more.
  • Bring friends to help if you can.
  • Langata: Beach Balls, Face Painting and Giraffe Park.
  • Makindu: Collage with photo, Face Painting, Letter writing.
  • Nakuru: Treasure Hunt, Face Painting, Letter writing.
  • Schools: Photos and frames.
  • Gifts for House Parents: Lisa and Dee Dee will work on these.
  • Your $2500 is due now.
  • $1500 more is due on June 15th.
Our next meeting is June 6th
back at Lisa's house
2:30 to 4:30.

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