Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6th Meeting

Thank you so much for hanging in there
on such a long meeting.
We had a lot to cover....

  • We went over packing... what is OK to bring and not OK. Check the list I sent you. We need to each pack all our belongings in our carry on. The two checked bags will be ministry supplies only.
  • Funds: They are all do in by June 15th. This date can not be pushed back.
  • We went over the Do's and Dont's while in Kenya. It is a lot to remember so please read them over again and follow my lead.
  • We looked at what a day would be like for us in Kenya..
  • We saw the gifts for the house mums and dads and teachers. Great job Lisa!!
  • Then we went over our projects....
  1. Makindu: Face Painting and Temporary Tattoos. Collage Quilt. Letter writing. Prayer boxes. Service Project with Girls: Hospital.
  2. Nakuru: Face Painting and Temporary Tattoos. Treasure Hunt. Letter writing. Service Project with Boys to be announced.
  3. Langata: Face Painting. Giraffe Park. Beach Balls and Bop-it. Decorate Hats.
  4. Schools: Makindu & Kisingo... Photos and Frames. Pencils. Songs. Langata: Songs and skits.
We need to get our shopping done. Each of you has a list of what you need to pick up before our next meeting.
We need to have all our projects together and ready to go for our next meeting.
Vicki and Robyn need to know the out lines of their talks.

Next meeting is June 27th...
This is our last meeting before we pack and go!!!
Please be at Lisa's by 2pm and plan on staying till we are done.

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