Sunday, January 3, 2010

January Meeting

Our first meeting was a good one. Here are some of the highlights...
1. We got to know each other a little better.
2. We learned more about who David and Jennifer Hatley are.
3. We got a little information on Kenya.
4. Robyn shared who she is and her history with Kenya.
5. We went over what a day in Kenya will be like.
6. Fund raising was talked about: How to write a support letter. Fund raisers that will be done by the whole group, Garage Sale and Car Wash. Fund raisers you can do on your own. Dead lines for funds: $2500 by May 1st and $1500 by June 15th.
7. Books to read where handed out: Required for trip... Foreign to Familiar. Other books that would be good: There is no me without you, Say you are one of them, City in the Sun and others.
Please remember this Blog is important and needs to be checked on a regular bases. Also meetings are VERY important. NEW START TIME TO ALL MEETINGS IS NOW 2:30!! Next meeting is Feb. 7th 2:30 to 4:30. Robyn's Place.
I love the team God is putting together... You are all a great group of people!!

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