Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Taste of Africa

A Taste of Africa....
If you want to hear the sounds of Africa and maybe even catch some wildlife in action
go to this web site... .
It is a live cam at 4 different water holes.
You will catch the most action in the mornings or evenings.
Remember, our day is their night...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January Meeting

Our first meeting was a good one. Here are some of the highlights...
1. We got to know each other a little better.
2. We learned more about who David and Jennifer Hatley are.
3. We got a little information on Kenya.
4. Robyn shared who she is and her history with Kenya.
5. We went over what a day in Kenya will be like.
6. Fund raising was talked about: How to write a support letter. Fund raisers that will be done by the whole group, Garage Sale and Car Wash. Fund raisers you can do on your own. Dead lines for funds: $2500 by May 1st and $1500 by June 15th.
7. Books to read where handed out: Required for trip... Foreign to Familiar. Other books that would be good: There is no me without you, Say you are one of them, City in the Sun and others.
Please remember this Blog is important and needs to be checked on a regular bases. Also meetings are VERY important. NEW START TIME TO ALL MEETINGS IS NOW 2:30!! Next meeting is Feb. 7th 2:30 to 4:30. Robyn's Place.
I love the team God is putting together... You are all a great group of people!!

We are going to Kenya

We are going to Kenya
July 16th to July 31st
The team is coming together and plans are being made
Please pray for our preparations...