Friday, March 26, 2010

O Sifuni Mungu "Oh Praise the Lord":

Make sure you are listening to this link and work at learning the words to the song.

Viumbe vyote vya mungu wetu
Na mfalme wetu
Viumbe vyote vya mungu wetu
Na mfalme wetu

Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe
Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe

Watu wote
Viumbe vyote
Awaye yote
Sifu mungu

Watu wote
Viumbe vyote
Awaye yote
Sifu mungu

All creatures of our God and King (O sifuni mungu)
Lift up your voice and with us sing (O sifuni mungu)
Thou burning sun with golden beam (imbeni, imbeni)
Thou silver moon with softer gleam (pazeni sauti imbeni)

Viumbe Vyote vya mungu wetu na mfalme wetu
Viumbe Vyote vya mungu wetu na mfalme wetu
Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe
Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbeA
ll men (watu wote)
All creatures (viumbe vyote)
Everybody (awaye yote)
Praise the Lord (sifu mungu)
All men (watu wote)
All creatures (viumbe vyote)
Everybody (awaye yote)
Praise the Lord (sifu mungu)

Thou rushing wind that art so strong (O sifuni mungu)
Ye clouds that sail in heaven along (O sifuni mungu)
Thou rising morn in praise rejoice (imbeni, imbeni)
Ye lights of evening find a voice (pazeni sauti imbeni)

Viumbe vyote vya mungu wetu na mfalme wetu
Viumbe vyote vya mungu wetu na mfalme wetu
Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe
Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe
All men (watu wote)
All creatures (viumbe vyote)
Everybody (awaye yote)
Praise the Lord (sifu mungu)
All men (watu wote)
All creatures (viumbe vyote)
Everybody (awaye yote)
Praise the Lord (sifu mungu)

Thou flowing water pure and clear (
Make music for thy Lord to hear! (
Thou fire, so masterful and bright (Imbeni!)T
hat givest man both warmth and light.(Imbeni!)

vyumbe vyote vya mungu wetu
vyumbe vyote vya mungu wetu
Pazeni sauti (chitter)
Pazeni sauti (chitter)
Tusifu mungu

Let all things their Creator bless (O sifuni mungu)
And worship Him in humbleness (O sifuni mungu)
O praise the Father, praise the Son (imbeni, imbeni)
And praise the Spirit, three in one (pazeni sauti imbeni)

viumbe vyote vya mungu wetu na mfalme wetu
viumbe vyote vya mungu wetu na mfalme wetu
Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe
Pazeni sauti ilinasi mwimbe
All men (watu wote)
All creatures (viumbe vyote)
Everybody (awaye yote)
Praise the Lord (sifu mungu)
All men (watu wote)
All creatures (viumbe vyote)
Everybody (awaye yote)
Praise the Lord (sifu mungu)

O sifuni mungu (imbeni)
O sifuni mungu (imbeni)
O sifuni mungu (imbeni)
Tusifu mungu

O sifuni mungu (imbeni)
O sifuni mungu (imbeni)
O sifuni mungu (imbeni)
Tusifu mungu

Tusifu mungu
Tusifu mungu
pazeni sauti na wote imbeni
O sifuni mungu

Saturday, March 20, 2010

What to wear...

For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And which one of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span? And why are you anxious about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory did not clothe himself like one of these. But if God so arrays the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more do so for you? O men of little faith? ... Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. -Matthew 6:25-30,34

Many people are asking what do I get to wear in Kenya. So if you are shopping for Kenya here is the suggested list for packing:

The average temperature 70’s days/ 50’s nights

no military style clothing or backpacks

2 Pairs of LONG PANTS (Khakis/Cargos/Jeans) I recommend light weight, easy drying.
No Capris·
2 LONG SKIRTS, OR SIMPLE LONG DRESS Long means down by your ankles·
2-4 short or long sleeved T-SHIRTS or BUTTON DOWN SHIRTS—Nothing Tight Fitting!
1-2 CASUAL TYPE SHIRTS No tank tops unless worn on safari·
SWIMSUIT – you may have a chance at a pool on the safari·
SHORTS – only appropriate on safari·
5+ pairs of SOCKS a couple pair of fast drying, or take lots of pair to wear and just leave there! 5+ pairs of UNDERWEAR cotton takes forever to dry!
Sun HAT (baseball caps are fine)
1 pair of SHOES to wear with Sunday clothes (Birkenstocks, sandals etc are totally appropriate
for the women – nylons not necessary!)
1 pair of WALKING SHOES· SANDALS or flip-flops (flip flops are great for showering too!)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Hole in our Gospel

Required Reading...
A Must...

5.0 out of 5 stars Do not pass "Go", do not wait to get your $200 - read this book!, March 12, 2009
As a person who sponsors several childrenin the 3rd World and who has a tremendous interest in the world's poor, I expected to read the usual stuff. How bad the problem is... what we need to do about it... and then feel good that my husband and I are doing "so much" to help. But what I didn't expect was to be turned on my ear about how little I'm doing in proportion to the problem AND in proportion to my ability to do SO much more.

Rich Stearns does an excellent job of "getting in our face" about the enormity of the world's poor's brutal plight and what we have to do about it without putting us on a guilt trip. Yet we all need to take a new journey, down the road of really and truly doing something to make a difference. This book lets us know that the
contribution of EACH of us is tantamount to truly making a dent in the ravages of poverty and the illnesses that go along with it. And we must.

This is a credible piece, endorsed by some amazing people... not just "known" Christians, but by people who also care about the world's poor, like U2's Bono. No matter what your religion or creed, we should all read this.

Bravo, Mr. Stearns and World Vision. And the glory go to God.

March Meeting

So much to cove and so much to do...
Thank you all for being on time!!

Here is what we covered in this meeting:
  • AIDS There is only 4 ways to get AIDS: Mothers milk. Blood. Needles. Sexual fluids. We will be around many children that are HIV positive. We can love them the same as any other child. We are not to touch a open/bleeding cute on a child. Let those who work for CMIA do that. They are trained on how to handle it.
  • We found out more about the people of Kenya.
  • We have our flights to Kenya reserved. God was so good in this. We have room for 15 people. So if you know anyone else who wants to join us have them contact me.
  • Start getting your shots. Make sure you have your passports.
  • We have a theme for our trip: Men/Women after God's own heart!! We will base what we do with the kids on this. Showing them what this means through words, crafts and our own actions.
  • You all got your prayer partners. Keep in touch with them!!
  • Things to start to gather to bring with us: bars of soap, new underwear of all sizes, twin sheets, towels, medications for kids, and school supplies.
  • Ki Shwahili words we learned: Asante-Thank you, Jambo-How are you, Mazuri-Welcome and Sana-Very as in Asante sana-Thank you very much... Mazuri sana-you are very welcome.
Our next meeting is
March 21st 2:30 to 4:30

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can you hear them....

Can you hear the prayer of the children on bended knee,
in the shadow of an unknown room?
Empty eyes with no more tears to cry,
turning heavenward toward the light.
Cryin' Jesus help me to see the mornin' light of one more day,
but if I should die before I wake,
I pray my soul to take.

Can you feel the hearts of the childrenaching for home,
for something of their very own?
Reaching hands with nothing to hold on to,
but hope for a better day.
Cryin' Jesus help me to feel the love again in my own land,
but if unknown roads lead away from home,
give me loving arms, away from harm.

Can you hear the voice of the children
softly pleading for silence in their shattered world?
Angry guns preach a gospel full of hate,
blood of the innocent on their hands.
Cryin' Jesus help me to feel the sun again upon my face.
For when darkness clears,
I know you're near,bringing peace again.
Can you hear the prayer of the children?